Hear the Cries of Migrants

Pope Francis calls us this month to hear the cries of migrants especially those trafficked across nations and continents and then exploited in abusive ways. Let us join in advocating, praying and working for an end to all forms of human trafficking.

We pray for all who are trafficked. We ask Lord, that you strengthen the fragile-spirited and broken-hearted. We pray that all who suffer the loss of freedom and the indignity of being used to serve the need and greed of others will be freed and find freedom in a home where they are respected.

Let them experience a love that is tender and good.

We pray for all who exploit others, that their evil deeds will be exposed and their hearts will be changed.

We pray for ourselves, who live in safety and peace with more than we need and for all who work against trafficking in humans. May we take some action to bring about justice.

Give us wisdom and courage to stand in solidarity with all who suffer lack of human dignity. Help all who work against human trafficking to find ways to ensure for all the freedom that is your gift to all of us.

We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.