Celebrate Solstice Day

In the Northern Hemisphere people and all of Nature mark the Summer Solstice on 21st June while in the Southern Hemisphere, people and all of Nature celebrate the Winter Solstice on that same day.

This is a time to tune into the mysterious presence of Divine Energy animating fresh possibilities within and through all the changing rhythms of life. As we reflect and mark this time of the year we reflect and pray:

Creator God, You are worthy,
to receive glory and honour and praise,
for You created all things,
and continue to hold them in Your care as their being unfolds.

You are the God we praise,
A God of love, of healing and wonder.
All: Alleluia

You are the God we honour,
A God who loves us with a deep and lasting love.
All: Alleluia

You are the God we praise ,
A God who laughs as we laugh and weeps when we weep.
All: Alleluia

You are the God we serve,
A God who brings light into the dark places of our lives and our world.
All: Alleluia

You are the God we honour,
A God who brings warmth into our lives in the midst of each Winter.
All: Alleluia

You are the God we praise,
A God who sees within us the potential of full life during each Summer.

All: Alleluia.

Glory be to You – God our Creator, Jesus our Brother and the Spirit of Life at work in all creation. Amen.

(Photographer unknown)