International Peace Day

Created by the United Nations, World Peace Day each year on 21 September aims to strengthen the ideals of peace both within and between all nations and people.

This year, when we continue to hear news reports of war and violence in too many place around the world, World Peace Day is a clarion reminder of the ongoing need to pray and work for peace to come.

A Prayer for Peace:

God of all goodness, so often it seems that our prayersfor peace go unanswered. Everyday we hear news of troubles, violence and disharmony – in families, in communities and in countries around the world. Often we meet people whose relationships and lives have been torn apart by conflict and war. Even our own hearts can be tossed and unsettled by a sense of diminishment, failure or grief.

On this World Day or Peace, quieten our inner spirits.

Give us the strength and gentleness we need for each day and for the work we must continue to do to ensure that peace may come to birth through justice and development for all. Amen.