National Slavery & Human Trafficking Prevention Month in USA

January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in the USA and the January 2018 edition of Stop Trafficking!  provides valuable information for all committed to bringing an end to such exploitation.

Articles in this edition include: What is Human Trafficking, Forced Labour on Fishing Vessels, Tackling Forced Labour in Company Supply Chains and Forced Labour as Domestic Servants.

While a number of Brigidine Sisters are involved in educating adults and young people about issues of human trafficking, others are engaged in advocacy on behalf of trafficked people or in praying for victims of slavery and for those who work to support them.

We can all have the eyes that spot victims and abuse, the voice to speak for justice and the hands to work to free enslaved persons.

You are invited to read the January 2018 edition of the US Catholic Sisters Newsletter Against Trafficking by clicking on the following link: