Pope’s Prayer Intention – February 2019

Pope Francis invites us to pray during February for a generous welcome for victims of human trafficking, of enforced prostitution and of violence.

In recent years he has called trafficking a “crime against humanity” and a form of slavery which is “unfortunately increasingly widespread, which involves every country, even the most developed, and touches the most vulnerable people in society: women and young girls, children, the disabled, the most poor, whoever comes from situations of familial or social disintegration.”

A Prayer for the Month of February:

God of compassion, we pray for every person who has been trafficked and all who know what it’s like to be afraid, abused, humiliated and hurt.

May they sense Your peace and grace through the welcome they receive from those who care.

Strengthen all who work to bring healing and justice to survivors of human trafficking, enforced prostitution and all forms of violence and persecution.

Bless with strength and gentleness those Brigidine Sisters and their colleagues involved in UNANIMA International, RENATE, ANZRATH, ACRATH and other organizations engaged in raising awareness about this evil trade in human beings and in offering support to survivors.

May we continue to welcome generously and to help bring an end to this human tragedy. Amen.