World Fair Trade Day

World Fair Trade Day is an initiative of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). It takes place on the second Saturday of May each year and this year it occurs on Saturday 12 May 2018. The theme of Fair Trade Day 2018 is “Live Fair: One Product at a Time.”

The inclusive, worldwide festival of events celebrating Fair Trade makes a tangible contribution to sustainable development, especially the economic empowerment of small producers, gender equality in workplaces and responsible production practices.

WFTO and its members believe that trade must benefit the most vulnerable and deliver sustainable livelihoods by developing opportunities for small and disadvantaged producers.

The 2016 Brigidine Congregational Forum called all Sisters to commit “to the purchase of Fair Trade and other products which promote social and environmental well-being.”

As Brigidine Sisters  we are called uphold justice and be voices for the poor. World Fair Trade Day provides an opportunity to review our patterns of living. We can all take some action to ensure that we live fairer – one product at a time!

1. Let us continue to strive to care for each individual – Fair Trade promotes and empowers marginalized producers by offering them opportunities for economic growth;

2. Let us be in solidarity with our brothers and sisters marginalized by unjust trade arrangements – Fair Trade helps build positive networks for change.

3. Let us take every opportunity to help shape a better future for others and the world – Fair Trade offers a fair and just trade for the workers.

4. Let us as Communities, engage with the challenges of our contemporary world – Fair Trade takes action for fairer and more equitable systems of trade which offer opportunities for the poor.

5.Let us make the most of our networks and partnerships with others in ministry – Fair Trade offers opportunities for us to deepen and extend our partnerships by raising awareness  and educating others about the benefits of Fair Trade.