2nd Sunday Lent – 2020

Have you ever been in a situation of affirmation and joy and wanted to stay there and hang on to the experience?

In the Gospel reading from Matthew 17:1-9 this weekend, we accompany Jesus and three of his disciples up to the high mountain where they have a mysterious and wonderful experience of God’s presence. Through this experience Jesus somehow comes to a clearer sense of his relationship with God and what this is calling him to in his ministry and his life.

The disciples discover that rather than settling for ‘glory’  they must truly listen to Jesus who is God’s loved One and be prepared to follow him and his ways.

In this second week of Lent 2020, let us too hear God’s invitation to listen deeply through all the highs and lows of life.

May we heed Jesus’ call to choose God’s way of justice and thus help bring transformation to the systems and situations in our communities, families and world where people yearn for true freedom and life.

The following reflection by Veronica Lawson RSM is offered here to enrich our prayer and reflection in the coming week:


(Stain Glass Inc – artist unknown)