3rd Week of Advent

Advent is a period of waiting as well as a time of expectation and hope. The invitation to “Rejoice” is such a positive and life-giving one and remains part of the season of Advent.

The third Sunday in Advent is traditionally called “Laudate Sunday” and the invitation to rejoice rings out particularly in the first reading:“Let the wilderness and the dry lands exult, let the wasteland rejoice and bloom, let it bring forth flowers like the jonquil, let it rejoice and sing for joy.” (Isaiah 35: 1)

The following reflection on the Gospel by Veronica Lawson RSM is offered here for your prayer and reflection in the coming week:


This first appeared at:  https://www.mercyworld.org/

An Advent Prayer:

Loving God, ever faithful to your promises, all of creation rejoices in hope of the Saviour’s coming and looks forward  with longing for when all is gathered into the kin-dom of God

Prepare our hearts to hear and see You at work in our lives and our world.

In this third Week of Advent, may we notice the times when the blind see again, the deaf begin to hear, that which was dead comes to life and the poor receive good news. In the lead up to Christmas, remove from our hearts any traces of sadness, regret or bitterness that keep us from living with hope and joy so that we may truly live your Good News.