5th Sunday in Lent – 2021

On this Sunday in Year B, the Gospel text that is read is from John 12: 20 – 30. Jesus’ response to those seeking to see him includes a number of thoughts that John places in his mouth.

May pondering this rich text enrich our Lenten prayer and reflection in these last weeks of this sacred season. May we be ready to lose whatever in life prevents the yielding of a rich harvest in our lives and activities.

The following text from Veronia Lawson RSM is an exegesis of the text to help with this: https://www.mercyworld.org/f/45074/x/d92fb92861/reflection-on-the-gospel-lent-5b-vl-210321.pdf

“Glory to you Word of God, Lord Jesus Christ!”

Image result for John 12 24-25