In 2016 Pope Francis said: “We need lay people who take risks, who dirty their hands, who are not afraid to make mistakes. We need lay people with vision of the future… with the flavour of life’s experiences, who are animated by dreams.”
During May, we join with Pope Francis and others in praying that lay women and men may fulfil their specific mission, by responding with creativity to the challenges that face the world today.
This month, Brigidine Sisters give thanks for the many lay women and men who minister alongside us, our Associates and those who support and care for our sick, frail and elderly Sisters. We are enriched and inspired by their lives of generosity and service.
Jesus, you call us to follow you in the particular circumstances of our lives. Lead us to serve you in our various relationships and to praise you for the presence and support of others. Help us to follow your way of compassion and forgiveness. Lead us to respond generously to life’s invitations and stir within us the courage to take action for justice.