As a young man, Francis believed he heard God calling him to “Rebuild my Church“. In response, he set about dedicating his life to the service of the poor and care for all creation.
Today, we as Brigidine Sisters also hear a call of the Spirit to rebuild God’s Church”. Though we may be “challenged by age, loss and diminishment, we embrace a role of collaborating with others and deepening our partnerships in a spirit of trust and service” so that “all may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn 10:10) and that the call of all the baptized may be recognized.
We strive to “walk in solidarity with people who are searching and those hurt or excluded by Church norms or experiences” and “to take decisive action for justice.”
Like Francis of Assisi, we continue to endeavour to trust the God of all creation, to live simply and to use our resources with “generosity, equity, compassion and justice” .
As we remember and celebrate St Francis of Assisi on 4th October each year we are reminded of his great legacy of prayer and commitment and are challenged to bring a contemplative heart to all aspects of our own living and acting as disciples of Jesus today.