November 25th, is the United Nations’ International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women, a date marked as a day of raising awareness and of taking action to end violence against women and girls.
December 10th marks International Human Rights Day.
Fittingly, the days from 25 November to Human Rights Day are collectively known as the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. This a time to unite in reflection, protest and action to end violence against women and girls around the world.
Brigidines encourage all sisters, associates and colleagues to join in this action in whatever ways possible.
During the 2023 campaign, ACRATH has chosen to highlight the plight of Women migrant workers: increasingly on the move and vulnerable to exploitation – and has produced resources to inform and encourage widespread advocacy in this regard.
ACRATH’s campaign calendar: 16-Days-Activism_Calendar-2023
Take some time to view, be informed and reflect:
Sr Jean Quinn DW, Executive Director of UNANIMA International, shares her insights (2 minute video) and the work being done to redress many of the injustices suffered by migrant women workers:
Talitha Kum Conference: Eliminating Gender-based Violence – Speech by Jean Quinn, UNANIMA
US Sisters Against Human Trafficking Newsletter: Interrelated Gender Violence October 23
Sr Taabeia Ibouri works with seasonal workers in Kiribati and Australia:
ACRATH News: ACRATH Newsletter November 2023
More resources developed by ACRATH:

“It is not possible to remain indifferent before the knowledge that human beings are bought and sold like goods!” – Pope Francis