On January 26th Brigidines living in Australia will enjoy the break in routine that comes with a National Holiday.
We stand in solidarity with all our Australian Sisters who, on Australia Day, can:
– acknowledge and celebrate the many gifts, blessings and freedoms that surround their lives and ministries,
– remember with gratitude the Irish Sisters who crossed the seas “with unwavering faith, open hearts and courage,” to begin the Australian Brigidine Story that has unfolded in the past 142 years
– give thanks for the ancient history of Australia’s First Peoples – their lives and stories, their deep connection to the land, their wisdom and their continuing presence and contribution to society
– be ever more mindful of injustices within Australia’s Story – and on Australia Day 2025 reflect and pray in solidarity with Australia’s Indigenous peoples.
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) has created a Resource encouraging all to consider “the complexities and significance of the day.”
It calls for “deep reflection and prayer as the nation marks Australia Day 2025.”
Reflect on Australia Day 2025

“… Love of nature can only be authentic in solidarity with indigenous peoples who do not distinguish themselves from the plants, animals, rivers and mountains which inspire their languages, practices, and spirit.
So loving one must include the other”
– Fatima Measham, Invitation & Call 2022