Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances

Bridging Gaps, Building Alliances  is the theme for World Day of Social Justice 2024.  The United Nations chose this theme to emphasise the importance of collaboration and partnership in addressing the world’s challenges.

World Day of Social Justice (Feb 20) reminds us each year of the need to build fairer, more equitable societies.

Recognizing the need to promote social justice, includes efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, gender inequality, unemployment, human rights, and social protections.  (Source UN).

In the footsteps of Brigid of Kildare and Daniel Delany, working to build a more just society is intrinsic to our mission as Brigidines.

We continue this mission, in a variety of formal and informal ways as advocates for people who are marginalized in our world today – asylum seekers, refugees, travellers, indigenous and islander peoples and people vulnerable to being trafficked and exploited.

Read the Newsletters, distributed by  ACRATH and BASP, on World Day of Social Justice:



ACRATH Newsletter Feb 2024



BASP Feb24


Through the Congregation Projects Fund, Brigidines continue to support the works of UNANIMA International,     Misean Cara and Pacific Calling Partnership .


“Social justice is the best means to secure the common good.” – Pope Francis


‘..the believers continued together in community and shared everything in common. They would sell their property and possessions, and distribute the benefits among all – each according to need.’  Acts 2:44-45