This Project, based in Melbourne, Australia, aims to provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum.
The Project actively networks with like-minded individuals and groups working for justice for asylum seekers, advocates for the rights of asylum seekers and raises awareness of asylum seeker issues and concerns through a range of activities.
To read the August 2018 newsletter from BASP (Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project) click on the following link.
The next link also helpful information about coming events and ways of supporting asylum seekers being assisted through this Project.
Brigidine Sisters are engaged in resourcing a number of other projects and initiatives to support asylum seekers and refugees in Ireland, UK, the USA and New Zealand as well as in various other parts of Australia.
Brigid Arthur csb, Libby Saunders and Jude Caldwell csb at the BASP Office in Albert Park, Victoria
Jane Keogh csb takes action in Canberra in solidarity with refugees and asylum seekers
Brigidine Sisters with others in protest at the Australian Government’s treatment of refugees and asylum seekers