Brigidines rejoice with our Sisters and the Team at Solas Bhride!
Solas Bhride continues to offer hospitality to the people of Kildare and to pilgrims from around the world.
In this year of celebration and focus on Brigid’s 1500 year legacy, the Brigid story is continuing to capture minds and hearts.
The Central Bank of Ireland has honoured Brigid’s legacy with a ‘Saint Brigid Commemorative Collector Coin!’
The coin was launched during a celebratory event at Solas Bhride on 26th June.
Brigid is the third woman to be featured on an Irish Collector Coin.
At the celebration, Ms. Sharon Donnery, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, presented Rita Minehan csb with a coin.
(The coin, may be purchased through the Central Bank on )
Visit Solas Bhride’s website to capture the essence of the launch event – in beautiful pictures and inspiring words. Reflect again on the values attributed to Brigid and their relevance in today’s world: Launching St Brigid’s Coin
Weaving St Brigid’s Cross – a cultural heritage practice
Meanwhile, to the delight of all at Solas Bhride, the practice of weaving Brigid’s cross has been included on Ireland’s National Inventory of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
The announcement was officially made on 14th July at Croke Park.
Press release – Croke Park 15 July
READ more: Weaving Brigid’s Cross
“The weaving of a Brigid’s cross invokes Irish myth, legend, folklore and history and is still treasured and practiced today by people of Ireland and beyond.” (Solas Bhride facebook)
Good news, Solas Bhride!

“Many stories and myths surround St. Brigid, but much of what we are told highlights her core values – helping the poor, striving for peace and a more just world.
“A strong woman, dedicated to serving the people and to protecting nature, her life, her work, her legacy not only remains relevant today, but remains an inspiration.
“And as we honour St. Brigid, this commemorative coin also presents an opportunity to remember the role that she and Irish women have played in our history, our culture and society”. – Ms. Sharon Donnery