Celebrate Easter – Alleluia!

Brigidine Sisters wish their friends, associates and partners in ministry  “Happy Easter!”

May we welcome Easter’s gifts of healing and light and continue to support one another to have the courage to believe in the God of love at the heart of all, animating fresh possibilities.

Some years ago in a homily at an Easter Dawn Mass in the ruins of the abbey at Cormomroe, Co Clare, the late John O’Donohue said:

“We are always on our way from darkness into light. Every morning, we come out of the dark territories of dreaming into waking awareness of the day. Every night, no matter how long, breaks again and the light of dawn comes. At birth each of us made a journey from darkness into light, from the warm secure darkness of the womb into the light of the world. So we are no strangers to darkness and we are special friends of the light…..

One of the beauties of Easter morning is that the light that comes with Christ is a gentle but penetrating light. There is no hurt anywhere within us no matter in what crevices it might be buried, but that the light of Easter can reach it and heal it…

So on this Easter morning, let us look again at the lives we have been so generously given and let us let fall away the useless baggage we carry – old pains, old habits, old ways of seeing and feeling – and let us have the courage to begin again. ”

(Refer Walking on the Pastures of Wonder, John Quinn, Estate of John O’Donohue, Veritas, 2015, p. 107- 109)