Children of the World Challenge Us

Brigidine Sisters are aware of the call from UNICEF and others to do everything possible to stop the catastrophe of Covid-19 as soon as possible . We are saddened to learn that throughout South East Asia, the virus is disproportionately hitting children in greater numbers. While thousands are losing their lives, others are being orphaned and too oftened abandoned to traffickers.

Unfortunately the pandemic has the potential to reverse hard-earned global gains against the developments if not halted as soon as possible. We join others in urging governments to do everything within their power to stop the devastation.

In partnership with the international community, we must step up without delay by taking individual and Community responsibility to contribute to Caritas, Cafod or another reputable group to offer assistance as soon as possible.

Every decision we take for justice has the potential to alter the course of the surge of this pandemic – ie to either safeguard or endanger the lives of children and others around us.

May these challenges inform our prayer, our conversations and our actions in the coming week.