Easter Has Come!

Brigidine Sisters wish friends, associates, colleagues and partners in ministry  “A Happy Easter!” As we welcome Easter’s gifts of healing and light let us continue to support one another to believe in and celebrate the God of love and life at the heart of all, animating fresh possibilities!

Today is the day we remember that we are Easter People and that any evil and darkness in our broken world cannot overcome light and love. The Risen Christ helps us to realize that we are all children of God and we are loved beyond all telling even though we are far from perfect and our planet is suffering from our actions and our greed. With 7.7 billion of us inhabiting Mother Earth, the importance of listening to Earth and remedying our greed is critically important. Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home  is Pope Francis’ letter to the world and in it he expresses his insistence and encouragement to do this .

While the experience of Good Friday must never been completely forgotten we know that resurrection is possible. We know that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. So, as bleak as our environmental outlook might be there is always hope.

As we celebrate Easter this year let’s take every opportunity to make choices that protect our planet, and remind others to do the same. Let us notice and listen to our sister, Mother Earth, and share our concerns for her. This Easter season is a good time to re-read Laudato Si: On Care for Our Common Home . At every opportunity let us lobby our elected religious and civic leaders to keep creation and all our sisters and brothers in the developing world at the forefront of their minds as they govern.

May we always live in the hope of resurrection — our own and our Earth’s. May we recognize that all of creation is sacred and in the ordinariness of our daily lives may we be ready to generously share our many gifts and resources, so that justice and peace may come to life in the world.

The following reflection by Veronica Lawson RSM first appeared on https://www.mercyworld.org and is offered for your reflection and prayer in the coming First Week of Easter.
