Invest in people, prioritize education

The United Nations created the International Day of Education on January 24th to shine a light on education as a fundamental human right.  As well as a right, Education also brings empowerment to individuals – and ultimately to communities and society.  This year UNESCO’s theme is “to invest in people, prioritize education”.

The day is important for promoting legislation that offers equitable education access to all.

Daniel Delany’s education legacy and the symbolism of St Brigid’s Lamp of Learning have been enshrined in the fabric of Brigidines’ lives and ministries for 200+ years.

Brigidines acknowledge with gratitude the many opportunities, places and activities in which they have walked with children and young people, in the pursuit of education and empowerment.

We acknowledge, applaud and affirm the many educators in today’s world who carry the lamp of learning into the future.

Today Brigidines, in partnership with others, maintain a commitment to the removal of barriers to education and learning, and to promoting educational and awareness raising opportunities  that empower young people to seek and act for justice.

Mindful of interconnecting causes of  barriers to education access, wherever we are and wherever we can, we will continue to support all advocacy and efforts for change – especially for young people vulnerable to human trafficking, forced into child labour, forced to flee homeland and seek refuge – and young people living in poverty.



“(we) are pathfinders who venture into the untrodden. We are not settlers but pilgrims, not guardians of the status quo but explorers of what is possible.” 
(Bishop Vincent Long, Congregational Forum, 2022)