Brigidines support the International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking which takes place each year on February 8th – the day on which we celebrate the liturgical memory of Sudanese nun, St Josephine Bakhita. Learn more about St Josephine Bakhita here. St Josephine Bakhita – csb website 2021
Journeying in dignity is the theme of this year’s Day of Prayer and Awareness . A seven hour Global Pilgrimage Event will be accessible online on 8th February and people can tune in and out as to suit time zones. Young people of the world will make a significant contribution to this event as they engage in the fight to defeat human trafficking and all forms of human exploitation. Pope Francis will “mission” young people of the world into a year of activation against human trafficking. Read more: Students plea for action (Source: ACRATH)
Watch and listen to the enthusiastic invitation from Sr Colleen Jackson rsc (ACRATH) to tune in to, or view recording of, the Global Pilgrimage: ACRATH Colleen Jackson rsc
Journeying in dignity: International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking 2023
Check out the resources for thought and prayer on ACRATH’s website: Action & Prayer
Pilgrimage: 8th February 9.30 am – 4.30 pm CET*
Links to recordings of the event will also be available on ACRATH website after the event.
The LINK TO LIVESTREAM: Journeying in dignity, Global Pilgrimage

The International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking is promoted by International Union of Superiors General (UISG) and co-ordinated by Talitha Kum. Member networks of Talitha Kum include: Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ACRATH ), Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE) , Aotearoa New Zealand Religious Against Trafficking of Humans (ANZRATH) and U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking.
Sr Colleen Jackson rsc (ACRATH) is the Talitha Kum – Oceania Representative.
ACRATH – join global pilgrimage USIG News TALITHA KUM
U.S. Sisters RENATE Europe
“We’ll do anything we can to get things as cheaply as we can. For that to happen, someone has to be exploited.”
– Colleen Jackson rsc
* ( 8.30 am IRE/UK. 7.30 pm AEDT. 9.30 pm NZDT )