The Trustees and staff of Kildare Ministries commenced their work for 2019 with a number of meetings and a toast in celebration of their fifth year of educational and community works which were formerly governed by the NSW Province of the Brigidine Congregation, the Victorian Province of Brigidine Congregation and the Presentation Congregation of Victoria.
In 2019, Kildare Ministries continues to offer secondary school education and community services within an inclusive and socially just context. Inspired by the person of Jesus it nurtures a vision of life in which the belief in the dignity of each individual, characterised by personal integrity and compassion, informs thinking and action and enables all to take their rightful place in Church and society.
Brigidine Sisters support Kildare Ministries in an ongoing way and pray for all involved. We give thanks for their ministry in schools and community works and especially for their work with young people.
For more information about the mission, values and activities of Kildare Ministries go to: