Our small, courageous group of Brigidine Sisters in New Zealand continue – through their presence, community spirit and compassion – to advocate for social and environmental justice.
From this stance, they increasingly came to appreciate the life-giving practices of a young Member of Parliament, Efeso Collins MP , who consistently advocated for the poor, for the elimination of racism and for climate justice in New Zealand.
During his maiden speech to Parliament in February, Efeso stated, “Love is an act of courage, a commitment to the oppressed wherever they are found.”
Only six days following the delivery of his maiden speech, Efeso participated in a charity event highlighting the plight of Pacific Islands’ children who have no clean drinking water.
Sadly, during the event, Efeso suddenly collapsed and died. He was 49 years old.
Anne Phibbs csb was invited to write a tribute to Efeso for the local Parish News and we thank her for sharing her reflections here. Take time to read Anne’s appreciation for Efeso Collins: Fa’nana Efeso Collins 1974-2024
“…we are challenged to listen and respond to the cry of all life pleading,
“Am I not your neighbour?’” 
– Invitation and Call, Congregational Forum 2022