Talitha Kum is a network of Sisters and others working to support victims of human trafficking and eliminate the crime of trafficking. Both ACRATH and RENATE are members of Talitha Kum and Brigidine Sisters are involved in each of these initiatives.
MEET TALITHA KUM SISTERS – Journeys of Liberation
From the UN World Day against Trafficking in Persons, Talitha Kum has started to share stories of sisters caring for survivors against human trafficking. |
I am Sr. Louise Cleary,
President of ACRATH in Australia; over the years my work has been predominantly in education at all levels, significantly working in areas of disadvantage. These experiences have educated me and given me a passion for addressing injustice. My work against human trafficking began in 2001 when I met young women in the detention centre and who had been trafficked into Australia into prostitution.
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To follow the work of RENATE and ACRATH go to: |