“Never Lose Heart”

In the Gospel reading for 29 Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, we listen to another of Jesus’ parables (Luke 18:1-8) reminding us of the need to pray and to“never lose heart.”  (v1)

However, as with all the parables there is more to this text than what might first come to mind as we encounter the characters of the judge and the widow both from the same town.  A vital clue to truly understanding the parable might lie in the final words of the judge: “I have neither fear of God nor respect for man, but since she (the widow) keeps pestering me I must give this widow her just rights, or she will persist in coming and worrying me to death.”  (V5 & 6).

What is the message of this Gospel for you this year?

Is it an invitation to pray continually? Is it a challenge to reflect on the lot of women such as this widow who must rely solely on the own resources in life?

Does it call us all to change those systems that deny the most vulnerable their rights to justice and security in life?

Reflect and pray about these issues in the coming week. Let us join in prayer and action to enable God’s justice for Earth and for people to be done, “and done speedily“. (v8)

The following reflection by Veronica Lawson RSM is offered here for your reflection. It first appeared at https://www.mercyworld.org
