Now More Than Ever

Brigidines stand in solidarity with our Australian Sisters during Australia’s  National Reconciliation Week, which is held from 26 May – 3rd June. 

While several Days during Reconciliation Week are significant in their own right ( Significant Dates ),  the week is devoted to a focus on shared histories, cultures and achievements and for exploring how each person can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.



The chosen theme of NRW 2024 is “Now More Than Ever. ” As a justice-themed response following the disheartening result of the 2023 Referendum, it is a reminder  to all Australians “that no matter what, the fight for the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will – and must – continue.” (Reconciliation Australia 2024.)


The Referendum result has also sparked a cry for a focus on Truth Telling: What is Truth-Telling – detailed by Reconciliation Australia

Truth-Telling has been affirmed as a vital feature of the Reconciliation journey.  Australians are challenged, now more than ever, to  respond to the  call of the Australian Declaration Towards Reconciliation:


“Our nation must have the courage to own the truth, to heal the wounds of its past so that we can move on together at peace with ourselves.”



Fr Andrew Hamilton SJ has shared a response and reflection for National Reconciliation Week:  The struggle for justice continues


Want to know more about Reconciliation Week?
NRW explained




… Love of nature can only be authentic in solidarity with indigenous peoples who do not distinguish themselves from the plants, animals, rivers and mountains which inspire their languages practices, and spirit. So loving one must include the other.
(Fatima Measham,   Invitation & Call 2022)



See:Seeds of Hope (Laudato Si Week 2024)