Parables of Great Rejoicing

We’ve all had the experience of losing something precious and having to go look for it – a key, our glasses,  phone or purse. We also know the feelings of relief and joy when we have found what we believed was lost. Let’s bring these experiences to our reflections on the Gospel for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year C, which is taken from Luke 15:1 – 32.

This text consists of a series of wonderful parables Luke has Jesus telling in response to criticisms of him because he was seen to be seeking out the company of sinners and the ‘lost’.

Each of the parables finishes with an account of the great rejoicing that happens when that which is lost has been found.

The call of this weekend’s Gospel reading is to open our hearts to the loving presence of God who wishes to save now and not just in the afterlife. The call is extended to inviting us to be open to continually seek out and find those who experience being lost in all sorts of ways – because of unjust systems, persecution, addictions, depression, dementia and other mental illnesses.

“A pure heart create for me O God, put a steadfast spirit within  me.” (Psalm 50)

The following reflection by Veronica Lawson RSM is offered for you to pray with in the coming week.

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