Peace and Reconciliation “From the Heart.”

The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was adopted  in 2007.  It promotes the full and effective participation of First Nation Peoples in all matters that concern them. (Article 18)

In 2023, Brigidines stand with their sisters in Australia, where all Australians are called to, together, build a better future by establishing a First Nations Voice to Parliament.
The invitation has come, ‘from the heart,’ to all Australians via the Uluru Statement  (2017) : Uluru Statement from the Heart .
During this week and on Referendum Day Oct 14, all Australians will have opportunity and responsibility to respond.



“Australians can be proud that our First Peoples have presented a request to be heard through a Constitutional Voice. A more civilised and gracious response to a history littered with violence is hard to imagine. What a remarkable opportunity Australians have been given to forge greater unity in our nation.”

“We are asked to listen to people whose unique place in Australian society needs to be acknowledged by the nation.”     – Bishop Vincent Long, April 2023

Read Bishop Long’s full address (Easter Reflection) April 2023:  Bishop Vincent Long

The October 2023 Edition of CRA’s Just Now publication is dedicated to helping us think about some important issues of justice when approaching the Referendum:  Just Now Edition 14 Oct’23 – Referendum

“I ask governments to recognize the Indigenous Peoples of the whole world, with their cultures, languages, traditions and spirituality, and to respect their dignity and their rights, in the knowledge that the richness of our great human family consists precisely in its diversity.” –  Pope Francis, Indigenous Peoples Forum, February 2023.

More thoughts: At the heart

Voice Prayer
We pray for a bright and just shared future for all who call Australia home.
We ask that Your grace of acceptance and compassion will guide us.
Let the Creator Spirit lead our journey with the
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples of this land.
May we share Your Spirit more deeply; celebrate the gifts You have given us.
Help us appreciate true harmony and peace just as our Old People did;
Keep us strong, make us resilient and remember us in this time.
Now is an opportunity to change our Nation’s history for the better.
Walk with us as we write a new chapter together and
may we be one in Your love.



… Love of nature can only be authentic in solidarity with indigenous peoples who do not distinguish themselves from the plants, animals, rivers and mountains which inspire their languages practices, and spirit.
So loving one must include the other. 
(Fatima Measham,   Invitation & Call 2022)