During the month of June, we join others and Pope Francis in praying that our use of social networks may lead to experiences of greater inclusiveness which respects others for their differences.
On the 2016 World Day of Communications, Pope Francis is reported to have said:
“It is not technology which determines whether or not communication is authentic, but rather the human heart and our capacity to use wisely the means at our disposal.”
Reflection: Creator God, You are the source of all creativity. Help us harness this energy for the good of others. Animate the building up of communities which work for an end to alienation and loneliness.
Move us to create a culture of solidarity which upholds the dignity of each and all.
Give us gifts of understanding and openness to others. Help us to be a true builders of relationships and community.
Suggested action: Take a few moments each week during June to review your use of the various forms of social media you access – mobile phone, ipad, Facebook, etc.
In what ways is your behaviour building relationships and community rather than leading to alienation and loneliness?