Solidarity With All in USA

We join with our Brigidine Sisters in USA during these tumultuous times of pandemic combined with the huge loss of life and livelihood, racial unrest, hurricanes and extensive wildfires. As thousands of US citizens deal with upheaval within their own lives, as well as that of their families and communities, may they be given the strength and gentleness they require for each day.

In the coming weeks they will also be involved in casting their votes and electing future local and national leaders.

We pray: O Divine Spirit! During these weeks and months, stir hearts and minds to fight for a vision that is worthy of you and your call to honor the dignity of all  creation. A vision of who we are as a people, grounded in community and care for all, especially the most marginalized. 

A vision that cares for our earth and heals the planet.

A vision that ends structural racism, bigotry and sexism in our nations and in our history.

A vision that ensures hungry people are fed, children are nourished and immigrants are welcomed.

O Spirit, breathe in us and our leaders everywhere a new resolve to work together to build  communities grounded in healing, fearlessly based on truth, and living out of a sense of shared responsibility.

In the name of all that is holy, O Spirit, bring out of this time of global and national chaos a new creation, a new community that can, and with your help, will realize the promise of fullness of life for all. 

(Adapted from a prayer by Sr Simone Campbell, Sister of Social Service)