Third Sunday of Lent 2020

Imagine the encounter between the woman of Samaria who came to fetch water at Sychar and encountered there a Jew – Jesus of Nazareth, who asked her for a drink (John 4:5-42).

As we hear the Gospel reading during this third week of Lent, we’re invited to ponder the deep thirsting that lives within all of us. What is your experience of this at present?

Do you thirst for true justice for those who are marginalised in life?

Are you longing for a deeper awareness of God’s mysterious gifts of creation and a care for Earth?

Is your thirst emerging from a sense of anxiety or grief and an invitation to trust as the unknown future unfolds for our world, our Church our Congregation?

Do you thirst for loving relationships marked by respect and equality and an awareness of God’s unfailing love of each and all?

Let us bring these experiences and reflections to our Lenten prayer and ensure that our responses to others are marked by respectful listening this week.

The following thoughts by Veronica Lawson RSM are offered to enrich prayer and reflection during the coming week: