“We advocate on behalf of women and children experiencing extreme poverty and homelessness/ displacement, migrants and refugees, victims of human trafficking, and environmental issues at the United Nations, with the aim to educate and influence policymakers at the global level. We work to occupy spaces of power on behalf of those who can’t be present, in order to infuse the conversation with the perspectives, experiences, and needs that would otherwise be absent.”
– UNANIMA International Mission
Through the Congregation Projects Fund, Brigidines support and collaborate with UNANIMA International (UI).
UNANIMA’s Motto is One Spirit – One Mission – One Hope. Since 2003, UNANIMA International members have continued to work tirelessly for justice through collaboration, advocacy and education.
Jean Quinn DW is the current Director and Margaret Fyfe csb is the Brigidine representative on the UI Board.
UNANIMA’s recent Newsletter, offering much inspiration and information, can be accessed here:
UNANIMA International News from the UN July24
“There is
nothing more powerful than hope. Hope fights on, hope always finds a way.
Hope motivates others, rallies around a cause, and hope sees change happen.
Hope is lived out in the hard reality
of everyday life.”
– Jean Quinn UI , May 2023