World Environment Day

As Brigidines and colleagues committed  “to respond to the cry of Earth and peoples rendered poor.”  (Invitation & Call, 2022), we can recognise World Environment Day as a time to reflect, share and act to care for Earth, our common home.

World Environment Day on 5 June serves as a reminder of the importance of our environment and puts a spotlight on the environmental challenges of our time.

In 2024 the World Environment Day theme, “Reviving lands for a brighter future, ” focuses on land restoration, stopping desertification and building drought resilience.

Source: United Nations.



“Meaningful action begins with a deepening of commitment within ourselves, our programs and processes to relate to our environment as part of ourselves, and to ourselves as part of the environment. We must become more sensitive in our living, more insistent in our advocacy and more effective in our action.”
– Andrew Hamilton SJ

Read Full Reflection here:  Thinking World Environment Day 2024



On this Day, let us spare a thought for our Brigidine Sisters and all at Solas Bhride Spirituality Centre in Kildare Ireland.

Solas Bhride  is a place of reflection and pilgrimage where  visitors are encouraged and enabled to “embrace an understanding of the sacredness and interconnectedness of all creation”  in the spirit of Brigid, Woman of the Land. (Solas Bhride :  Mission & Values )

On 15 June, Solas Bhride is hosting an International Pilgrimage, celebrating St. Brigid’s 1500 year legacy.  Register here: In the footsteps of St Brigid





World Environment Day Prayer







Embracing our role in the one community of life…
(Invitation & Call 2022)


“Unless the human community and the natural community go into the future together, both will perish in the desert.” – Thomas Berry