Journeying Together

Brigidines applaud, support and give thanks for the work of Talitha Kum and it’s 58 networks across 97 countries in all continents.  We acknowledge with gratitude the learning and involvement offered by the Talitha Kum Networks operating in the regions in which we live.


“Journeying Together to End Human Trafficking: Compassion in Action for Transformation”
was the theme of Talitha Kum ‘s second General Assembly which was held in Rome from 18 – 24 May 2024.

Delegates from the  Talitha Kum networks participated in the opportunity to dialogue, listen, discern and share – and to plan strategically for continued efforts in the fight against trafficking of humans.

The second General Assembly was also  an opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the 15th anniversary of Talitha Kum*, the work that has been done and the many contributors.


–    Pope Francis’ Message to the Assembly: here

–    The Assembly’s  Declaration: here


RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation)

RENATE reflects on Thriver story at General Assembly:
I have never felt this safe

RENATE’s up coming webinar:   Understanding the Mission against human trafficking

RENATE’s  most recent full Newsletter:  RENATE May 24


Alliance to End Human Trafficking (Formerly US Sisters against Human Trafficking)

Monthly Reflection from Alliance to End Human Trafficking: Cling to the vision

AEHT latest comprehensive Newsletter: (Learn about Child Labour in the Clothing Industry)  2024_5-Stop-Trafficking-EN

February 2024 awareness campaign: AEHT campaigns at Super Bowl


ACRATH (Australian Catholic Sisters against Trafficking in Humans)

Join ACRATH’s RUN:  here

Reflecting on ACRATH’s past
– and being part of its future:  here

ACRATH’s Press Release 30 May 24: Australians join global struggle against human trafficking



Next:  more ACRATH news
    “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.”     John 10.10
*Talitha kum was established in 2009 with the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) as an international initiative against human trafficking and exploitation.
Talitha Kum promotes collaboration among networks organized at national, regional and continental level, actively supporting victims, survivors and people at risk.
Talitha Kum website, Vatican Press, AHET website US,
ACRATH website, ACRATH National Office, RENATE website.