Seeds of Hope

 Embracing our role in the one community of life…(Invitation & Call, 2022)  


Brigidines acknowledge  Laudato Si Week (19th –  26th May) 2024.  Nine years ago, Pope Francis launched the encyclical Laudato Si’  – at the core of which is the call to listen and respond to the cry of Earth and the cry of the poor.

In October last year, he felt compelled to follow up Laudato si’ with an apostolic exhortation, Laudate Deum, as a result of the inadequate response to the climate crisis since 2015.

Through  its theme, Seeds of Hope,  Laudato Si Week 2024  is dedicated to  inspiring “a personal and cultural transformation in the midst of our ecological and climate crises” – the fabric of Laudate Deum.

The Laudato Si Movement provides an eight day Guide that aims to foster respect for creation, promote sustainable habits and deepen commitment to a lifestyle that respects the Community of all life.  Access the Guide here:  Laudato Si Week 2024 Celebration Guide

Earthcare Caritas Australia offers this reflective Resource:  Laudato Si Reflection Cards

Laudato Si:  Prayer of gratitude

Want to know more?  The Laudato Si Movement’s website:  Laudato Si Movement

Consider taking  time during Laudato Si Week to watch (or watch again)  the film:  ‘The Letter – A Message for our Earth’.  ( 80 mins )



“There can be no renewal of our relationship with nature
without a renewal of humanity itself. ”  – Pope Francis

“Unless the human community and the natural community go into the future together, both will perish in the desert.”   – Thomas Berry


“They are a living cry of hope. They know what it is to listen to (the) Earth, to see (the) Earth, to touch (the) Earth. They remind us that we human beings have a shared responsibility to care for our common home.”
– Pope Francis, Indigenous Peoples Forum, 2019
See: Next-  Reconcilation Week in Australia