Through the Congregation Projects Fund, Brigidines support and collaborate with UNANIMA International (UI).
Jean Quinn DW is the current Director and Margaret Fyfe csb is the Brigidine representative on the UI Board.
Announcement from UNANIMA :
“For many years now, UNANIMA International has presented an annual “Woman of Courage Award,” which honours women from around the world who have exhibited exceptional courage and leadership to make a difference
in their communities.
We are excited to share that our 2024 Woman of Courage Award goes to Sr. Brigid Arthur, CSB, who co-founded the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project in 2000, which currently houses over 200 people. Congratulations, Sr. Brigid, and we thank you for all the work you’ve done to create a better life for refugees and asylum seekers in your community.”
(Source: UNANIMA)
Brigidines acknowledge with gratitude the ministry and advocacy of the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP), founded in 2000 by Brigid Arthur csb and the late Catherine Kelly csb.
We applaud the generous work and commitment to justice of BASP’s Board, staff, volunteer companions and the many who support BASP through generous financial and in kind contributions. BASP is supported by the Brigidine Congregation and a number of other Religious Congregations in Australia.
Brigidines rejoice in UNANIMA’s recognition of the inspiration of Brigid Arthur csb. May the 2024 UNANIMA Women of Courage Award, shine light and truth on the plight of people seeking asylum – in Australia and worldwide – and strengthen advocacy on their behalf.
UNANIMA’s Recent Newsletter: UNANIMA International News from the UN and Around the World. October 2023
BASP’s Recent Newsletter: BASP Newsletter 112
To learn more about BASP or to donate click here: BASP website
More about UNANIMA:
Click here for UNANIMA’s Women of Courage 2008 – 2024
I was a stranger and you made me welcome …