Reflection and Prayer to End Human Trafficking
The Sisters of St Joseph of Orange have prepared a Prayer Calendar commencing on January 11 and leading up to St Josephine Bakhita’s Day on February 8. (St Josephine is the patron
The Sisters of St Joseph of Orange have prepared a Prayer Calendar commencing on January 11 and leading up to St Josephine Bakhita’s Day on February 8. (St Josephine is the patron
On 15 January 1842 in Melbourne Alexander MacKillop and Flora MacDonald welcomed the birth of a daughter. Though she was given the name Maria Ellen when she was baptized soon after her birth, she was
The festivities for Feile Bhride 2019 in Kildare, Ireland will commence with a Brigid’s Eve Ritual on 31 January. This will include a pilgrimage of quiet reflection, song and prayer on the eve
It is eleven years since the Irish poet, author, speaker and philosopher, John O’Donohue died suddenly at the age of 52 while holidaying in Avignon, France. John was a friend
The feast of the Epiphany on 6 January reminds us that the Light of Christ shines forth for people of all nations. There are many reflections for this feast however the words
During the month of January, Pope Francis invites us to join him in praying that young people, especially in Latin America, follow the example of Mary and respond to the call
The World Day of Peace is celebrated annually on 1 January. On this day the pope gives a special message, which is sent to all foreign ministers around the world
“You crown the year with Your goodness and all Your paths with abundance.” Psalm 65 Brigidine Sisters around the world wish all a very Happy New Year! Throughout 2019 let us take
We hold in prayer the people of Indonesia, especially the hundreds of residents and travellers who lost their lives as a result of the tsunami that hit the shores of Sumatra and Java
Brigidine Sisters wish all their friends, associates, colleagues and partners in ministry a very happy Christmas! May the celebration of the birth of Jesus bring peace and joy to each one
The UNANIMA International team have been hard at work in New York and beyond. Catch up on the work of UNANIMA in the End of Year report which we received.
At the Council of the Congregation in September 2018, we as Brigidines made a further commitment to support the Pacific Island nations critically impacted by the changing climate through the
The United Nations Climate Summit, COP24, held in Poland from Dec 2 – 14 has come to a close with some concrete agreements for countries to adopt in order to bring the Paris
In these days of preparing to celebrate the birth of Jesus, Pope Francis reminds us that “the plight of the Holy Family calls to mind the sufferings of the many
The Implications of Christmas – Christmas is the celebration of small things, particular things, and barely noticeable things. It is Jesus in a manger—and animal byre—the child who will grow
With the end of the academic year comes the latest newsletter from Kildare Ministries. This final edition for 2018 contains an Advent Reflection, accounts of some recent activities in the
On 16 December 2018, we remember it is 120 years since the first Brigidine Sisters arrived in Masterton, New Zealand. Their arrival came at the end of their long journey by
In early December 2018, Dr Ann Power’s book – “The Brigidine Sisters in Ireland, America, Australia and New Zealand, 1807 – 1922” was launched at Carlow College, Co Carlow, Ireland.
Brigidine Sisters are supportive of Catholic schools and communities overseas who are asking Palms Australia, as the Catholic mission agency, to recruit teachers who will help to sustainably build personnel
A number of Brigidine Sisters joined with other Christians and members of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) at St Peter’s Anglican Church, East Melbourne for an ecumenical
On 8 December Cardinal Angelo Becciu presided at the beatification of the nineteen martyrs of Algeria in Oran, Algeria. The beatification took place in the Basilica of the Santa Cruz. The nineteen martyrs – sixteen
10th December 2018 marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a milestone document, which underpins all international human
At the end of the 2016 Congregational Forum in Tullow, Ireland our Brigidine Congregational Leadership Team stated in their Closing Message: “In these perilous times on our planet we have been inspired to
The latest edition of the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Newsletter makes very interesting and challenging reading. The BASP aims to: 1. provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum,
Pope Francis invites all to pray during December “that people involved in the service and transmission of faith may find – in their dialogue with culture – a language suited
This week the Modern Slavery Act was passed in the Senate of the Australian Parliament. It’s fitting that some members of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans), the
UNANIMA International is in its 16th year as an NGO at the United Nations and like all NGOs is experiencing a changing political and social reality. At the recent Board
Brigidine Sisters have received news from Mr David Sewell, the Principal of St Brigid’s School, Nerang, Queensland who recently wrote to the Parents, Caregivers, Staff, Friends & Students of St Brigid’s:
We are once again beginning our Advent journey – a time when we reflect on the themes of Hope, Waiting and Expectancy. This is a time for us to slow
The latest edition from Wanawake Kwa Wananake celebrates the hard work of students, staff and the wider community in Nairobi, Kenya. Through our Brigidine association with Women for Women in
The Bishops of Oceania have joined a powerful appeal signed by six presidents of continental bishops’ conferences, calling on government leaders to take ambitious and immediate action to tackle and
Brigidine Sisters at the recent Council of the Congregation made a decision to support Pacific Calling Partnership’s program in training young people of Kiribati and Tuvulu as a Congregational Project.
The 16 Days Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence happens from 25 November through 10 December. This year it takes place against the backdrop of an unprecedented global outcry. Millions have rallied behind the
St Vincent’s Health Australia and Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) have teamed together in a ground-breaking project to change the way hospitals treat trafficked people and how
United Nations Universal Children’s Day was established in 1954 and is celebrated on November 20th each year to promote international togetherness, awareness among children worldwide, and improving children’s welfare. This
As Thanksgiving Day 2018 dawns on Thursday 22 November, we remember our Brigidine Sisters and our Associates living in the USA. We join them in giving thanks for the abundant gifts of
This year marks 130 years since the first Brigidine Sisters arrived in Ararat on 14th November 1888. Ararat was and remains a centre of a large pastoral and agricultural district and has a
In an address at the Opening and Naming the new Sr Martin Jones csb Science Centre at Marian College West Sunshine the following words were spoken by Ms Kerrie Williams as
A report on a large scale research project conducted to find out the extent of involvement in anti-trafficking work by Catholic religious congregations in England & Wales was recently launched at a
Congratulations to the members of the incoming RENATE Core Group elected at the RENATE Annual Board meeting from 5 – 9th November in Lviv, Ukraine. RENATE: Religious in Europe Networking Against
Sunday 11 November 2018 marks the 100th anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). One hundred years ago, on 11 November 1918, the guns of the
Congratulations to all involved in the planning and the recent celebration of the 50th Jubilee of the College in Porirua. Students welcomed guests on the occasion and singing, cultural performances, music and
The World Day of the Poor is celebrated on 18 November and this year focusses on verse 6 from Psalm 34, “This poor one cried out and the Lord heard.” In calling
The work of education in the Brigidine and Presentation tradition in Australia is carried on today through the extensive professional work of Kildare Ministries. You are invited to read their
During the month of November we are invited to join with the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network in praying “that the language of love and dialogue may always prevail over the
The anti-trafficking work of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) has been given new encouragement with the Archdiocese of Perth providing hospitality for an office space for the
All Saints’ Day on 1st November (also known as All Hallows’ Day or Hallowmas) is the day after All Hallow’s Eve (Hallowe’en). It is an opportunity for believers to remember all
Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) of which Brigidine Sisters are a member and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) have issued a joint statement welcoming the apology on October 21 by
For the past eighteen years, Brigidine Sister Sheelah Mary Mogan csb has been one of the regular volunteers at St Canice’s Kitchen in Sydney. Sheelah Mary is one of many volunteer women
The world in which we live is facing a significant number of critical challenges. There are numerous wars and conflicts and even the threat of nuclear warfare; too many people continue to
At a recent meeting in Chicago, women religious, canon lawyers and bishops met with other leaders to deepen an understanding of the significant decline in the number of Sisters in
The work of Kildare Ministries was further enhanced this week through a meeting of members of the Kildare Ministries Members’ Council and the Brigidine Community Leadership Teams from NSW and Victoria and
Climate change, is affecting millions of people throughout the world. It is causing problems for farmers in Australia and elsewhere as they experience severe drought and a loss of crops and stock.
In 1980, Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador was killed by a sniper from a right-wing death squad linked to the country’s military government. This act of assassination, happened while he was celebrating Eucharist in
Brigidine College, Indooroopilly, Queensland was presented with a very special gift at the College’s first assembly for Term 4 2018, from craftswoman Caroline Smith, a staff member of St Joseph’s College, Echuca..
On October 10, people around the world mark World Homeless Day in many different ways and plan action to improve the lives of homeless people in their local communities. The inaugural World Homeless Day
The Brigidine Sisters and members of Cairde Bhride in Kildare invite you to an exploration of the theme of Beauty espoused by the late John O’Donohue in his book, “Divine
Did you know that there are 1.1 billion girls in the world today? Undoubtedly you’d agree that each one of them deserves equal opportunities for a better future. However, most
Since 2002, the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP) based in Melbourne, Australia has offered support for people seeking asylum. Understandably one of the key needs of these people is to
The following video clip by Sisters of Mercy, America offers a fitting reflection as we celebrate the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecologists. In some way
As news emerges of the recent earthquake and tsunami affecting the lives of thousands of people in Sulawesi, Indonesia we remember those whose lives have been taken and the countless
During the month of October, Pope Francis’ Worldwide Prayer Network invites all to join in praying that consecrated religious women and men “may bestir themselves and be present among the
As a young man, Francis believed he heard God calling him to “Rebuild my Church“. In response, he set about dedicating his life to the service of the poor and care
Brigidine Sisters are members and supporters of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) and are encouraged to know that Australia’s Foreign Minister, Ms Marise Payne, has addressed the UN General Assembly this
Vincent de Paul was born in France in 1581 and as a priest dedicated himself to serving the poor until his death in 1660. He was canonized in 1737 and is
From 27th – 29th September the Board of UNANIMA International (UI) will hold its meeting in New York. Brigidine Sisters are proud and active members of UNANIMA International (UI) which is
On 21st September, students, staff, friends and the staff and Trustees of Kildare Ministries, joined with a number of Brigidine Sisters for the Ritual of Handing On the Land of
On 17 September, a number of Brigidine Sisters gathered with students, staff and friends of Killester College in Springvale, Victoria for a Ritual of Transfer of Land to the Stewardship of
This international day was established in 1981 by a unanimous United Nations resolution. The General Assembly declared it a day devoted to “commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both
A reflection offered by Brigidine Sister and Co-ordinator of the Brigidine Asylum Seekers’ Project, Brigid Arthur csb and the Kildare Ministries’ Mission Leader, Andrea Grant invites all to think about the God
The work of education in the Brigidine and Presentation tradition is carried on today through the work of Kildare Ministries. You are invited to read their latest newsletter by clicking
‘Once you learn to read, you will be forever free”, wrote Frederick Douglass in the nineteenth century, an emancipated black American slave, champion of the abolitionist cause and author of
Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) representing over 150 congregations of approximately 7000 religious women and men across Australia has released a statement in the lead up to the forthcoming forum – “Building
The Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference has announced their decision to divest from fossil fuels. The Bishops’ Conference has signed the global Catholic fossil free pledge and are beginning the process of divesting its
The Truth, Justice and Healing Council in Australia has urged the use of a quota mechanism to give women decision-making roles at all levels of the Church following the Royal
During September we are invited to join the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network in praying especially for young people in Africa. Through the efforts of those working for justice, may they
Pope Francis has established 1 September as the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, encouraging the Catholic community around the world to pray for our common home. We prepare to celebrate the fourth annual World Day
History tells us that since nuclear weapons testing began on 16 July 1945, nearly 2,000 have taken place. In the early phases of nuclear testing little consideration was given to
Wellsprings for Women in Dandenong, Victoria was founded in 1994 by the Presentation Sisters in Victoria. Wellsprings for Women is now an incorporated association governed by a Board of Directors
On Monday 13th August 2018, Marian College Ararat celebrated entrusting of stewardship of the land on which the College stands from the Brigidine Sisters to the new governance of Kildare
Between 21 – 26 August the World Meeting of Families 2018 will be held in Dublin, Ireland. Ireland welcomes the Holy Father, Pope Francis and pilgrims from around the world
This Project, based in Melbourne, Australia, aims to provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum. The Project actively networks with like-minded individuals and groups working for justice for asylum
Increasing incidents of racism in Australia is of concern to Catholic Religious Australia. When expressions of racism were brought to a new level during a maiden speech by a senator in
The night of 22 to 23 August 1791, in Santo Domingo (today Haiti and the Dominican Republic) saw the beginning of the uprising that would play a crucial role in
The community of Marian College, a secondary College for girls in West Sunshine, Victoria was involved on 14 August 2018 in a truly marker moment in its proud history. With
A media release from Pacific Calling Partnership has been released in response to the proposed NEG by the Australian federal government. While aimed at reducing the power bills of Australians the
Kildare Ministries was officially launched in Melbourne on 18 March, 2014 and in Sydney on 31st March, 2014. It comprises the educational and community works formerly governed by the New South Wales
Statistics from the United Nations reveal that there are currently 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24 in the world. This is the largest youth population ever.
To mark the upcoming World Meeting of Families in Ireland, Brigidine Sisters and members of Solas Bhride invite everyone to join them in a special pilgrimage to St. Brigid’s Well in Kildare
When he was the cardinal archbishop of Buenos Aires and before he was elected Pope, the man who became Pope Francis was sometimes seen attending anti-death penalty gatherings in that city.
Every August, LCWR (Leadership Council of Women Religious) holds a national assembly of its members. The Assembly provides members opportunities for education, reflection on issues pertinent to religious life leadership, networking,
Catholic Religious Australia (CRA) comprises representatives of religious congregations of women and men throughout Australia. Brigidine Sisters are among its members. As a group involved with the education of generations of
This year heralds a new urgency and new inspiration for all committed to working for justice for people seeking asylum and a safe home in which to live and raise
Brigidine Sisters are praying for all attending the Leadership Conference between August 1 – 3 at Brigidine College, St Ives and St Joseph’s Retreat Centre, Baulkham Hills, Sydney. The Conference is
Ireland made history this month by becoming the first country in the world to pass a bill committing the nation to the divestment of all of its holdings in fossil fuel
On this the 2018 World Day Against Trafficking in Humans, ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) has launched a national fund-raising appeal after the announcement from the Australian
On Friday 20th July The Honourable Mr Dan Tehan, Member for Wannon, Minister for Social Services opened the Brigidine Centre at Marian College, Ararat. The Brigidine Centre was formerly St
Throughout the month of August we are invited to join the Pope in praying for families – our own, those with whom we minister and especially families seeking asylum and
In 1883, the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 abolished slavery throughout the British Empire. This meant that the purchase or ownership of slaves became illegal within the British Empire, with the exception
Each year, July 30 is set aside as the World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. We know that human trafficking and slavery occur in every country around the world and
The 2018 World Meeting of Families will be held in Dublin from 21st – 26th August. The chosen theme for this event is – “The Gospel of the Family: Joy for
In Gaudete et Exsultate we read the following exhortation: It is not good when we look down on others like heartless judges, lording it over them and always trying to
From 1-3 August, Kildare Ministries will hold their conference at St Joseph’s Centre, Baulkham Hills, Sydney. The theme of the Conference is “Awakening the Hope We Share.” This theme is
The third anniversary this month of the publication of Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato Si brings with it a reminder of the gift of creation and of the Spirit of God dwelling
On 9th July, Brigidine Sisters remember and celebrate their Founder, Daniel Delany. Daniel was born to Daniel and Elizabeth Delany (nee Fitzpatrick) in Paddock, County Laois, in the Diocese of Ossory
Kildare College in Adelaide recently welcomed a number of Brigidines who had lived in South Australia or ministered at Kildare College to the “Handing On of Land Ritual” at the
During this month we are invited to pray that priests and other pastoral leaders who experience fatigue or other challenges may be supported by their communities, other leaders and the
Often one hears it stated that human trafficking is some random act whereby predominately young girls or women are randomly taken from their families or from the streets and sold
Students from Genazzano FCJ College in Kew, Melbourne, put their talents on show recently to help raise money for ACRATH.
Brigidine Sisters add congratulations to all members of the Missionary Society of St Columban as they celebrate their centenary at this time and throughout the sixteen countries where Columbans have shared
In the Northern Hemisphere people and all of Nature mark the Summer Solstice on 21st June while in the Southern Hemisphere, people and all of Nature celebrate the Winter Solstice on
The Global Sisters Report: A Project of the National Catholic Reporter has made available a special series of articles on issues about refugees and asylum seekers in the world today.
Different pasts, shared future – Refugee Week reaches an important milestone: 20 years of celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees. This 20 year anniversary is the theme of Refugee
Brigidine Sister Catriona Devlin csb recently led a creative and reflective workshop on “The Wisdom of Brigid – Woman of Hospitality and Justice” at the National Celtic Festival which was
During a recent conference at the Vatican, Pope Francis is reported to have told chiefs of oil companies that the world must switch to clean energy because climate change risks destroying humanity.
What are you striving for in life? Are you focussed on living well within whatever circumstances you find yourself? Here is an invitation to reflect on your hopes and life
An ecumenical service in support of Christ’s mission to the poor and marginalised was held in Melbourne on 2 June. People from the Anglican, Baptist, Uniting Church and Catholic community gathered
One of the first acts of Bishop Daniel Delany – the Founder of the Brigidines, was to establish the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament in Tullow in 1783. Devotion to
“If I encounter a person sleeping outdoors on a cold night, I can view him or her as an annoyance, an idler, an obstacle in my path, a troubling sight,
During the month of June, we join others and Pope Francis in praying that our use of social networks may lead to experiences of greater inclusiveness which respects others for
This feast day is a fitting remembrance of two “strong and gentle women” – Mary of Nazareth and her cousin, Elizabeth. (Refer Luke 1:39 – 56). As we remember these
We hear of it too often – workers being exploited, not being granted the correct time-off or allocation of pension or superannuation payments and even employers withholding wages from their employees. Pope
We live in the rather chaotic times! Each week we hear news of the collapse of political systems and financial markets and the escalating effects of global warming. As various crises continue to deepen, we
In Gaudete et Exsultate Pope Francis is inviting us to be on the look out for the many signs of love and hope that surround us each day. He writes: “I
During the weeks of Easter we reflected on the mystery of death and the good news that death does not have the final word for us. So many of the Gospel stories of
Pope Francis has called for concerted effort from all parts of society to address the root causes of human trafficking, which he describes as a crime against humanity. He made
Each day offers new invitations to live as Jesus demands. We’re invited to hold these invitations in our prayer and reflection and to open ourselves to the responses that surface in
World Fair Trade Day is an initiative of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO). It takes place on the second Saturday of May each year and this year it occurs on Saturday 12 May 2018. The
A ritual to mark the official handing forward of the governance of Kilbreda College was held on 1 May. All those who attend were moved by the simple yet significant
On May 1st each year the Church marks the feast of St Joseph the Worker. This is an opportunity to recall the three fundamental attributes of work that serve human dignity
In 2016 Pope Francis said: “We need lay people who take risks, who dirty their hands, who are not afraid to make mistakes. We need lay people with vision of
The following thought offers an invitation and a call for each of us as we go about the everyday events of this week. “Let us not forget that Jesus asked his
In 2013, Pope Francis wrote that being a missionary was at the very heart of being a Catholic, a parish or a Catholic institution. For 27 years, Sister Patricia Fox,
Brigidine Sisters in New Zealand and Australia marked ANZAC Day 2018 in a variety of ways and in different places. Some attended an ecumenical service of lament, repentance and hope
The Brigidine Congregation is an active member of UNANIMA International – a coalition of women’s religious Congregations from around the world who are committed to working together to name and overcome
In August, 1953 six pioneer Brigidine Sisters from the Irish-United Kingdom Province set out from the port of Cobh in Co. Cork on the ship the Mauritania bound for San Antonio,
Each year on 25 April, the people of New Zealand and Australia remember all the women and men who have served our countries in the armed forces – many of
After nine years of patience and persistence which included several postcard campaigns by a coalition of groups demanding ethically produced chocolate, there has eventually been some good news! Tim York,
Each year Mother Earth Day stresses the interdependence of all of creation. For this year, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation – A Joint Commission of the USG & the
Pope Francis’ latest exhortation is a call to become holy by serving others, especially those most in need and migrants “who risk their lives to offer a future to their children”.
As International Earth Day is held this month its a good time to think about taking action now to bring an end to the purchasing and use of plastics. Our increased use
Recently Focus Ireland, a charity working with people experiencing homelessness or at risk of losing their homes, reported that there were nearly ten thousand people in Ireland who were homeless during last February. Unfortunately,
To mark Mother Earth Day this year, Solas Bhride Centre in Kildare, is inviting Amanda Dillon, a lecturer in the areas of spirituality, theology, scripture and art to explore Hildegard of Bingen’s concept of Viriditas
2018 marks the 70th anniversary of International World Health Day. This year the World Health Organization is calling on world leaders to fulfil the pledges they made when they signed the
4 April 2018 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther Jr, aged 39, in Memphis, Tennessee, USA in 1968. Dr King (1929 – 1968) was an American Baptist
This month Pope Francis invites us to join the worldwide network in praying that economists around the world will have the courage to reject any economy of exclusion and know how
Brigidine Sisters wish their friends, associates and partners in ministry “Happy Easter!” May we welcome Easter’s gifts of healing and light and continue to support one another to have the courage to believe in
A number of Brigidine Sisters were able to join with thousands of others on Palm Sunday in support of asylum seekers and refugees, especially those still in detention on Manus
Thursday 22nd March, 2018 was a time of sacred history when Brigidine Sisters, staff members of St. Joseph’s College, people associated with the College and student representatives met in the historic
As we move through the days of Holy Week, Brigidine Sisters invite you to join us in praying with gratitude for the generous service of each Sister and of our associates, friends and partners
The Brigidine Sisters are committed to do everything within their power to maintain a high level of safeguarding in accordance with NBSCCCI (the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the
Over many years a significant number of Brigidine Sisters served the people of Papua New Guinea, setting up schools and other educational programs in areas such as Hohola and Erima. Now
This day provides us and the global community with an occasion to raise awareness of the importance of all types of woodlands and trees, and to celebrate the ways in which
Buying slavery-free chocolate at Easter gives us an opportunity to take action against human trafficking and slavery for we know that some children working in some of the cocoa farms in West Africa
On International Women’s Day 2018, Mary McAleese, former President of Ireland, gave an inspiring address in Rome. The address was titled “The Time is Now for Change in the Catholic Church” and offers
Earth Hour is an annual environmental campaign that brings attention to the effects of climate change by asking people to switch off lights at homes and businesses for an hour
The Prayer of St Patrick captures the wonderful spirit that made him Ireland’s patron saint and one of the Church’s most beloved missionaries. On this Feast of St Patrick we pray for
The UN International Women’s Day is celebrated each year around the world on 8 March. The theme for International Women’s Day this year is “Leave no woman behind”. The following reflection guide from
Afri’s 2018 Féile Bríde took place on Saturday 3rd February in Solas Bhríde in Kildare town. It was a rich and full day with contributions from Peadar Kirby about caring
During March, Pope Francis invites all to pray “that the Church may appreciate the urgency of formation in spiritual discernment, both on the personal and communitarian levels.” Following the example
The Colosseum in Rome, the amphitheatre where early Christians were executed, was lit up in red for a recent event to highlight the rise of persecution and suffering of Christians in the Middle
As we move through the weeks of Lent, the following Palm Sunday Reflection offered by Brigidine Sister, Brigid Arthur csb offers a valuable resource for personal prayer and reflection or for
This Project, based in Melbourne, Australia, aims to provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum. The Project actively networks with like-minded individuals and groups working for justice for asylum
In 2015 Pope Francis said: “Every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic act.” Cocoa is a key ingredient
Traditionally Palm Sunday is the day Christians remember Jesus processing into Jerusalem. In more recent times it has become the day when Christians in every country, together with people of
This day was first proclaimed by the United Nation General Assembly in 2007. As we observe the day this year with people from many nations, we join with others in supporting
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. This is traditionally the time in the Christian Community when each one makes plans to ensure that these six weeks are times of
The first World Day of Prayer for the Sick was initiated in 1992 by Pope John Paul 2 to encourage people to pray for those who suffer illness and for
On the feast day of St Josepine Bakhita, February 8 we recall that Josephine Bakhita, who was born in Southern Sudan in 1869, was kidnapped as a small girl and sold
The Congregation of St Brigid, (Brigidine Sisters) is a proud and active member of UNANIMA International, a United Nations-based coalition of 22 congregations focussed on issues for women, children, migrants
Recently, Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) organized a workshop for Catholic priests and deacons who minister to migrant Catholic communities in the Melbourne Archdiocese. This workshop was
This Conference on February 3, is part of the Feile Bhride events at Solas Bhride Centre and Hermitages, Tully Road, Kildare, Ireland. The chosen theme for the conference is “Light
On February 1 we celebrate the feast day of our Patroness, St. Brigid of Kildare (451-525) who is honoured as one of Ireland’s patron saints, along with Patrick and Columba. Irish hagiography
We are especially mindful of our Brigidine Sisters, their families, friends and past pupils in New Zealand as they celebrate the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi which is the founding document of
During this month, Pope Francis invites us to join him in praying that those who have material, political or spiritual power may resist any lure of corruption. Living God, source
As Brigidines, we recognise that we are a diverse group of women, united by our history, charism, goodwill and commitment. We affirm the contribution of each sister. Her life, prayer
As part of the recent celebration of Australia Day, Brigidine Sister Sheelah Mogan, from the NSW/New Zealand Community, was awarded an Order of Australia Medal (OAM). This award was given
Pope Francis has designated February 8, the feast of St Josephine Bakhita, as the World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking following a request from Talitha Kum,
26 January is the official National Day of Australia. It’s the day which marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New
Brenda Kindregan, a member of the Cairde Bhride who meet monthly at the Solas Bhride Centre and Hermitages in Kildare Town, had one of her articles published recently in the Spring
When Pope Francis celebrated the Eucharist in St Peter’s Basilica for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on 15 January, he took the opportunity to remind us and all who had gathered that
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in the USA and the January 2018 edition of Stop Trafficking! provides valuable information for all committed to bringing an end
Sometimes we’re tempted to doubt that human trafficking and slavery still exit in our time. However, unfortunately slavery is prevalent in a myriad of forms and in all countries throughout the world. While we
Pope Francis’ recently released message for the 2018 World Day of Peace is entitled Migrants and Refugees: Men and Women in Search of Peace. This message consists of six sections. Apart
The 26th Annual Feile Bride Celebration will held in Kildare Town, Co Kildare, Ireland from January 31st – February 11th. The theme of this year’s Feile is “Brigid: Flame of Justice
As the new year of 2018 begins, Pope Francis’ prayer intention calls to mind religious minorities in Asia. During the month of January he invites everyone to join him in praying that Christians, and
In a spirit of hope we welcome 2018 and give thanks for the gift of another new year! Each year January 1 is celebrated as the World Day of Peace – a
Solas Bhride Centre has three self-contained Hermitages in Kildare, Ireland which are available for short term stays for those who wish to have time out for quiet reflection and rest and/or time
The final UNANIMA International Update, November – December 2017 contains accounts of a number of the activities and events in which the staff, interns and colleagues have been engaged in
Brigidine Sisters wish their families, friends, associates and partners in ministry around the world, peace and joy as we celebrate Christmas 2017! In this holy season we give thanks for all
As the Winter Solstice approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, the changes all around are clear – the days have grown shorter, hours of darkness are extended, the weather is cold,
Each Advent we become aware of how our hearts yearn for the promise of a new sense of God-with-us. The coming Christmas celebration of the birth of Jesus, Emmanuel, offers
The Brigidine Congregation is an active and proud member of UNANIMA International (UI). This is a non-governmental organization (NGO) advocating on behalf of women and children (particularly those living in
At a meeting on 1 December in Bangladesh, Pope Francis spoke with some of the Jesuits in Myanmar. His words of challenge to them offer us a particularly pertinent invitation and call as we
This December 2017 edition of the Stop Trafficking! newsletter sponsored by the US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking highlights the vulnerability of children especially in the travel and tourism industries and makes for
Brigidine Sisters offer their congratulations to all members of the Missionary Society of St Columban as they mark the beginning of the centenary year of their mission. In 1918 the Bishops
As these weeks of Advent help us in our learning to wait, we’re reminded of some of the women from the genealogy of Jesus and our sacred stories – Sara, Rebekah
The Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP) is a Melbourne-based initiative of the Brigidine Sisters which aims to: • Provide hospitality and practical support for people seeking asylum; • Actively network
During this month Pope Francis invites us to join him in praying that the elderly, sustained by families and Christian communities, may apply their wisdom and experience to spreading the
Since the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on 25 November, whenever the small community of retired Brigidine Sisters at Malvern meet together for their midday meal, they make this
The weeks of Advent are an opportunity for spiritual renewal that begins with a deepening awareness of our longing, and lead us to a greater openness to God’s many gifts. During the coming four weeks leading
Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans are promoting the sale of their 2018 calendar. Funds raised from the sale of these calendars support the work of ACRATH as well
Happy Thanksgiving Day to the Brigidine Sisters living and ministering in USA. We remember and give thanks for your rich story of Brigidine service and prayer in USA and pray
When Pope Francis opened the doors to the poor on this day he welcomed thousands of refugees, unemployed and homeless as his guests at a luncheon inside the Vatican.
RENATE Network Working Board, representing 20 European countries, recently met in Malta to present and review work being done, plan into the future and exchange views, challenges, difficulties and best
November 25 is the start of the United Nations declared 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence Campaign. The campaign finishes on December 10 which is Human Rights Day. This campaign
In announcing this day to be marked each year on 19 November, Pope Francis asked that the day would become “a powerful appeal to our consciences as believers, allowing us
As we join people around the world in remembering the end of the First World War, we also bring to mind all who lost their lives during that war and in
COP23, the annual United Nations climate change negotiations, opened in Bonn Germany on Nov. 6 , with Fiji as the presiding nation. In recent weeks, we have heard news reports of severe
Are you aware that too often the women who make our clothes are not paid enough to escape poverty? No matter how hard they work, they cannot afford basic food
During November Pope Francis invites us to join him in praying that Christian women and men in Asia, bearing witness to the Gospel in word and deed, may promote dialogue,
This is the time each year when the Christian Community around the world celebrates every saint, known and unknown, on one single day. On this day we remember those who have
Samhain marks one of the two great doorways of the Celtic year, for the Celts divided the year into two seasons. The light at Bealtaine on May 1 and the
With the support of her Brigidine Sisters and others, Jane Keogh csb recently visited Manus Island with another member of the Canberra St Vincent de Paul Society. The main purpose of
The Brigidine Congregation is a proud and active member of UNANIMA International. Presently Margaret Fyfe csb is the Brigidine representative on the UNANIMA International Board which recently met in New
The 2018 ACRATH Calendar is now available. This calendar: Promotes awareness of human trafficking issues Promotes ACRATH and its works Showcases some anti-trafficking work being done by a variety of
Recently we have all become more aware of hurricanes and cyclones that have caused devastation across Latin America, the Caribbean and the American mainland ie hurricanes by the names of Harvey, Irma, Maria,
RENATE President, Imelda Poole IBVM, has been facilitating a week-long series of presentations and homilies in the UK- to mark the European Day against Human Trafficking on 18th October. Imelda has been conducting a
Events on World Food Day observed each year on 16 October promote worldwide awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and for the need to ensure food security
Brigidine Sisters congratulate all involved in the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) on recently being awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize. Their efforts demonstrate once again the power of
Each week, Brigidine Sisters Martin Jones and Geraldine Hambling attend a Craft Group in Albert Park. Recently they presented members of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) who
There are 1.1 billion girls in the world today, a powerful group for shaping a sustainable world that will be better for everyone. These girls are blessed with wonderful talents and creativity,
During these weeks a group of pilgrims from the various schools and works of Kildare Ministries in Australia have been engaged in days of pilgrimage in Ireland. This has included
Saint Francis of Assisi (1182 – 1226) is one of the most popular Christian saints. Across the centuries his remarkable spirit has remained a beacon of inspiration for all seeking a life of
Achieving global nuclear disarmament is one of the oldest goals of the United Nations since it was the subject of the General Assembly’s first resolution in 1946. After general and complete
Speaking at a leaders’ event at the UN, the Holy See’s Secretary for Relations with States, Archbishop Paul Gallagher, said the Church has been speaking out against the abuses of human
As the Church celebrates the feast day of St. Vincent de Paul on 27 September each year we give thanks for his life and wisdom which still challenges all who live
With news of an earthquake causing significant devastation in Mexico, Brigidine Sisters are more aware than ever of the people of Mexico with whom some of our Sisters lived and worked during
Like many congregations of women religious today, Brigidine Sisters also have a commitment to working for ecological and social justice. A number of Brigidines are currently involved in such ministries
Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus around Australia have been collecting signatures in their places of worship, schools and businesses in a forming a multi-electorate climate petition. According to the 2016 census, 60
To mark the 60th celebrations a new Brigid sculpture and mural was commissioned. The backdrop for Brigid is a painting of the landscapes of Ireland and Australia. Legend tells us
As each one celebrates 40, 50, 60 or 70 years of Brigidine life and service we pray the following prayer in thanksgiving for you. Now is the time to celebrate! May
Members of the Solas Bhride Team have attended the launch of “St. Brigid of Kildare, Life, Legend and Cult” by Dr. Noel Kissane in the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. Dr. Noel,
An inaugural consultation in the early phase of the journey to the 2020 Plenary Council in the Australia Church was held at Mary MacKillop Place, North Sydney on 8 September.
ACRATH members are in readiness for a week of advocacy with Members of Parliament on behalf of trafficked and exploited people. Press release below.
Members of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) are spending this week in Canberra meeting with Members of Parliament, the staff of some embassies, the Australian Federal Police
During September Pope Francis invites us to join him in praying that our parishes, animated by a missionary spirit, may be places where faith is communicated and charity is seen. During
September 1st is World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation, celebrated in the Orthodox Church since 1989 and by the Roman Catholic Church since 2015. It is the
Since 1953 Brigidine Sisters have been living and ministering among the people of San Antonio, Texas. As the inhabitants of various areas of Texas currently deal with the devastating effects of
Pope Francis’ message for this World Day says that providing aid to migrants and refugees is “a great responsibility”. During his address the Pope reminds us of God’s command in Leviticus 19:34 – “You shall
Each year on 23rd August, the United Nations invites everyone to observe the International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade. In
The Brigidine Congregation is a proud and active member of UNANIMA International – a coalition of women religious committed to working for ecological and social justice. Margaret Fyfe csb is
Sister Teresa Maya, Sister of Charity of the Incarnate Word became the President of the LCWR at the recent Conference in Orlando, Florida. Teresa Maya, a Mexican American, who went to the US as a
Each August we celebrate the Feast of the Transfiguration when we look to Jesus on the mountain, seeing the glory of God shining through and around him. On the feast of the
The theme of International Youth Day 2017 is ‘Youth Building Peace’. Since the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2250 in 2015, there is growing recognition that as agents of change,
While the theme of love had been in the mind of planners for the 2017 LCWR conference, it now seems particularly pertinent. The current world situation makes it even more urgent that
Read the latest news from Kildare Ministries. Editorial by Andrea Grant, Mission Leader.
The theme of the 2017 LCWR Assembly is, Being the Presence of Love: The Power of Transformation. The Assembly will be held in Orlando, Florida, USA from Tuesday 8 August
Hiroshima Day commemorates the day in August 1945 when an atomic bomb was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima, followed a few days later by another dropped on the city
That artists of our time, through their ingenuity, may help everyone discover the beauty of creation. As we give thanks this month for the artists we know and appreciate, let’s
Brigidine Sisters join the community of the United Nations in condemning the trafficking and exploitation of children, women and men which continues in every country today.
The first UN Oceans Conference was held in June. While many meetings on environmental sustainability have been convened at the UN over the past two years and beyond, this was
After days of further heightened violent clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces near the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem, Pope Francis is calling “for moderation and
On the feast of St Mary Magdalene on 22 July we celebrate this apostle to the apostles, the one sent by Jesus to announce his resurrection in a culture where
At the 2016 Congregational Forum the Brigidine sisters, in solidarity with others, called for a deepening of their understanding of the inter-relatedness of factors which threaten the life and well-being
– opens 28 new homes for homeless, disabled and vulnerable people on land inside the gates leading to Our Lady’s Hospice in Harold’s Cross, Dublin. (and to their own Generalate)
Articles in the newsletter tell of the ACRATH National Conference, the World Day of Prayer in the Parramatta Diocese, Slavery Free Chocolate, the Modern Slavery Inquiry and a Forced Marriage
Our colleagues at UNANIMA have been very active in the last month co-sponsoring two major events, the first being “Climate-Induced Displacement: Realities, Rights, and Responses” and the second event the
How our changing climate is forcibly displacing millions from their homes and what we can do about it. Brochure produced by NGO Committee on Migration.
A reminder that we are called to stand in solidarity with the most marginalised. Attached are some facts about “Debunking Myths to end Xenophobia”
Ten Ten Theatre was asked by TRAC (Trafficking Awareness-Raising and Campaigning)– a group of 16 religious congregations of sisters from across the UK, – to consider producing a new piece
Some serious questions for our Immigration Minister. So Mr Dutton who is and what is fake? Or by definition, who and what is not genuine, or an imitation or counterfeit?
Groundbreaking anti-slavery project a first for Australia’s health care sector. For the full media release please click on the link.
The May update includes articles such as a UN Commission discussion on ‘How to meet the needs of a ageing global society’, ‘Nuclear weapons ban treaty negotiations’ and more …
World Environment Day this year occurs in the ominously still eye of the storm. The strident public debate about the reality of global warming and the threat it poses to
On the second anniversary of Pope Francis’ thought-provoking encyclical you are invited to pray the Prayer for our Earth: All-powerful God, you are present in the whole universe
The UK Gangmasters Licensing Authority draws attention to the plight of migrant agricultural workers from Lithuania, working on farms in the UK. The injustice of human trafficking calls Brigidines to
This year the Australian entrant in the Eurovision Song Contest is Isaiah Firebrace, a 17 year old who was attending St Joseph’s College in Echuca last year when he won
Stop Trafficking! is an anti trafficking newsletter sponsored by U.S. Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking. The May issue reveals how people are beginning to see what was for too long
In the first week of May, the European Alliance of Catholic Women’s Organisations (ANDANTE) held a series of Study Days in Durres, Albania, in collaboration with RENATE and the Mary
The leader of the Society of Jesus that helped found the Georgetown University in Washington DC recently addressed a number of descendants of slaves and asked for their forgiveness for
In his 2017 Easter message, Pope Francis says, “The Church throughout the world echoes the angel’s message to the women: ‘Do not be afraid! I know that you are looking
Brigidine Sisters wish everyone a happy Easter: days filled with renewed hope and joy. At this time in our fractured world and church, may we have eyes to see the transforming
These final days of Lent for 2017 bring an invitation to spend some time recalling what John Surette SJ calls “the overarching issue of our time” – the catastrophic effects of climate change and the
The parishioners at St Mary’s Parish Ararat, Victoria are committed to making sure that this Easter they buy and enjoy Easter Chocolate that is ethically sourced. Together with parishioners pictured
Last week we reflected on Jesus giving sight to the man born blind and our own need to be healed of any blindness which keeps us from truly recognizing God’s gifts to us
Throughout this recent Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Conference, the message from Professor Tina Beattie was one of hope – ie living today that which makes tomorrow better! The conference explored
The United Nations Secretary General has stated that “faced with ‘clear science and real threats’ countries must remain committed to the Paris Climate Deal.” “First, climate change is an unprecedented and
All around the world vulnerable communities are being impacted by the drastic effects of climate change; millions of people and other species are suffering as a result. Caritas Australia is organizing a Climate
Have you ever wondered what happens to the e-waste after you dispose of it? Have you ever wondered where it might finish up or who might be impacted by it?
We each have certain ‘blind spots’ preventing us from seeing clearly. Perhaps we are blind to the many gifts of life so freely given to us by our loving God. Maybe
Millions of people, businesses and landmarks around the globe will mark Earth Hour this year on Saturday 25 March between 8.30 – 9.30pm wherever they are. This year marks the 10th anniversary of Earth Hour. The
Much ongoing work to bring about ecological and social justice has been happening at UNANIMA International since the beginning of the year. Thanks to Margaret Fyfy csb our current Brigidine
This is the day on which we celebrate the Spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and the Autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere. At this time we experience an equal balance
During the coming week we are invited to recall some of the most precious gifts in life. The Jews, living in dry and sometimes arid places knew the tremendous value of
A number of Brigidine Sisters, together with their colleagues, family and friends will take part in The 2017 Walk for Justice for Refugees which will be held on Sunday 9
Brigidines around the world celebrate the great apostle of Ireland! History tells us that as a young boy Patrick was taken captive and sold as a slave to Ireland. After working as
This week we hear once again the story of the Transfiguration (Matthew 17: 1-9) in which three of Jesus’ closest and most trusted friends are invited to accompany him to “the mountain”. We are aware
Pope Francis said that “every person ought to have the awareness that purchasing is always a moral – and not simply an economic act.” The 2016 Brigidine Congregational Forum called
Congratulations to Meena Karunananthan who has received the 2017 UNANIMA International Woman of Courage Award. Meena was given this award for her ‘courage, determination and leadership’ in succeeding to get
March 8 is the United Nation’s International Women’s Day and the chosen theme this year is “Be Bold For Change”. As Brigidines, we can play a part in helping bring about
Pope Francis is inviting all to join him during March to pray that persecuted Christians throughout the world will be supported by the prayers and material aid of the whole Church. During the
As we hear the account in Matthew’s Gospel of Jesus facing his temptations we are called to review our own lives and the temptations we face in our day-to-day relationships and work.
As Lent 2017 begins it seems like a good time to reflect on Jesus’ call to conversion and how we might grow in awareness and in love. This is a time
The Office of Peace, Justice and Ecological Integrity of the Sisters of Charity of St Elizabeth, NJ offers a Lenten Calendar of daily reflections and suggested actions flowing from Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si:
There are numerous resources providing opportunities to make the most of the coming six weeks of Lent. During this time of reflection, prayer and penance we are invited to review God’s call to care for Earth, our Common Home
Millions of people are on the verge of a severe food crisis in parts of Africa including Kenya, Somalia, Eritrea, Yemen and Ethiopia. Several years of consecutive drought and harsh weather
After many years of concerted efforts, the bill passed Ireland’s lower house, Dail Eireann earlier this month and was approved by the upper house, Seanad Eireann, a week later. Details
The twenty-fifth annual celebration of the Feile Bride was held in Kildare, Ireland from January 29 – February 5, 2017. This year the theme chosen for the festival was “Brigid:
In releasing his message for Lent 2017 Pope Francis reminds us that Lent is a time of new beginnings in following Jesus. You are invited to read and reflect on
Four Brigidine Sisters attended the National Conference of Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans held in Baulkham Hills, Sydney from 14- 16 February. Jan O’Neill and Kathleen Butler from
Have you noticed how big business focuses on the commercial value of February 14th by selling chocolates, flowers and cards on the day set to honour St. Valentine? Valentine is remembers as a Roman priest who secretly
February 8 has been declared by Pope Francis as the feast day of St Josephine Bakhita, Canossian Sister, survivor and patron saint of trafficked people. Josephine Bakhita was kidnapped as
As part of his February Prayer Intention, Pope Francis calls on all Catholics to be prepared to take action in response to the suffering of refugees, the poor and the
The Brigidine Congregation is a member of UNANIMA International and our members are supportive of the UI ongoing work for ecological and social justice. Sister Margaret Fyfe csb is the current Brigidine
Twenty – five Friends of Brigid came together at Brigid’s Well, Kildara Centre, Malvern on St Brigid’s Day to reflect on the year ahead. The reflective ritual included recalling the story of Brigid’s cloak
As Brigidine Sisters, together with our associates, friends and colleagues in ministry celebrate the feast of our Patroness, St Brigid of Kildare on 1st February, we are mindful of the increasingly urgent needs
The Brigidine Congregation is a proud member of UNANIMA International( UI). UANIMA International is an alliance of women religious working for justice, particularly justice for the planet and for women and girls. One
Brigidine Sisters invite you to join with them in marking the Feast of St Josephine Bakhita on 8 February. This day has been designated by Pope Francis as the world day of
As the transition of leadership in the United States of America unfolds over these days, our thoughts and prayers are with our Brigidine Sisters and Associates who live and minister
All are invited to join in the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Feile Bride from January 29 to February 5 at the Solas Bhride Centre and Hermitages situated in Kildare, Ireland.
In the USA, January 11 marks National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. To mark this event the Sisters of St Joseph of Orange have produced a Prayer and Reflection Sheet.
As you proceed marking the different events and commitments in your 2017 calendar, this might be a good time to reflect on how to mark the calendar in order to maintain
As 2017 begins, we face the New Year with trust in our God who continues to bless us and call us to bring hope and peace to all we meet.
The first Brigidine Sisters – Mothers Borgia Hayden, Benedict Moore, Thomas Healy and Vincent Brennan, arrived in Echuca, a river town on the banks of the Murray River, Victoria in
Brigidine Sisters add their congratulations to Sr Michelle Morek on her recent appointment as liaison with women religious for the Global Sisters Report of the National Catholic Reporter. We have come
A number of Brigidines in Australia recently attended a lecture given by Fr Sean McDonagh, an Irish Columban missionary priest. Fr Sean is acknowledged as one of the preeminent scholars on the encyclical,
For a final update of news and activities for 2016, including a glowing endorsement of UNANIMA International and other NGO’s by Swedish diplomat Jan Eliasson, UN Deputy Secretary-General , please
Following the tragic fire in a Springvale bank at the end of last week, Brigidine Sister, Brigid Arthur, Co-ordinator of the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project in Melbourne has called for
The IDPHT was first celebrated on the 8 February 2015 at the desire of Pope Francis, who in 2014, requested the International Union of Superiors and of Superiors General (UISG
A space in the garden area around Solas Bhride Centre and Hermitages in Kildare has recently been transformed from an area of weeds into a Herb Garden. This is a
Members of RENATE (Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation) have been in Assembly in Rome during the past week. You are invited to share in the Closing Liturgy
Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War to remember the members of their armed forces who
The new St. Brigid’s Chapel at Clonard College is a multi-dimensional sacred space that is available for reflection, meditation, liturgies and Eucharist celebrations. The Tree of Life hugs a reflection
Bishop of Parramatta, Australia, Bishop Vincent Long OFM Conv has spoken out against the threat of cruel and inhumane treatment of asylum seekers on Manus Island and Nauru. Bishop Vincent is the
Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand, Caritas Australia and Caritas Tonga have joined to produce the Caritas State of the Environment Report for Oceania 2016. The past year, 2015 – 2016 has
From 6 – 12 November 2016, religious engaged in the Europe Networking Against Human Trafficking (RENATE) will hold their International Assembly in Rome. Members from 27 countries in Europe will assemble to discuss, discern,
The Brigidine Congregation is an active member of UNANIMA International. In September two of our Sisters represented Brigidines by attending the UNANIMA International Board meeting in New York, USA. For an update of
On these two holy days we remember all our deceased Brigidine Sisters, our deceased family members and all the past pupils, associates and former colleagues who have gone before us marked with the sign of
This campaign which runs from November 25 to December 10 – (Human Rights Day) is the UN 16 Days Campaign of Activism Against Gender Violence. It invites everyone to consider the
Speaking recently with a group of young people in Rome, Pope Francis gave the following challenge saying, “You cannot be a Christian without living like a Christian. You cannot be
Pope Francis has announced that the next Synod of Bishops in 2018 will focus on young people. The theme of the Synod will be “Young People, Faith and Vocational Discernment”.
The theme for this, the 30th UN International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is, “Moving from humiliation and exclusion to participation: Ending poverty in all its forms”. On this
Topics this month include: UI appoints two new interns Progress against Human Trafficking Haiti and the Universal Periodic Review UN Summit on Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants UNANIMA Board
Religious in Europe Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation (RENATE) is pleased to announce that 140 of their members will be gathering in Rome for their second Assembly November 6 – 12.
A number of religious orders have recently joined a global pledge to divest from fossil fuel investments. Some of these orders include the Jesuits in Canada; SSM Health in the
News of the hundreds of deaths and extensive suffering following Hurricane Matthew calls us to prayer and solidarity. We remember at this time the people of Haiti (the poorest country
‘The Canticle of the Sun’ is a prayer/ hymn attributed to St. Francis of Assisi. It identifies some of the various elements of creation as sisters and brothers to humanity,
Solas Bhride is a Christian Spirituality Centre which welcomes people of all faiths and of no faith. The vision of the Centre is to unfold the legacy of St. Brigid
The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated on October 1 each year. This day recognises the rich contributions of older persons to communities and is a timely occasion to
Some good news for trafficked women around the world! Nadia Murad Basee Taha is a 23-year-old Yazidi woman who was kidnapped in Iraq by ISIS, sold, and raped. Recently she has
St Vincent de Paul was born in France in 1581. He was ordained a priest in 1600. During his life he dedicated himself to serving the poor of his time and
Twelve members of ACRATH (Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans) spent a recent week meeting parliamentarians in Canberra to raise awareness of issues of human trafficking in Australia and
Pope Francis is calling all to join him in prayer on Tuesday 20 September as he visits Assisi, Italy. During his visit there will be an ecumenical service with representatives
As we mark this time of equinox, may we find the balance we desire and need in our lives: – light and dark, – spirit and body, – mind and
Pope Francis has announced plans for a worldwide day of prayer for the victims of sexual abuse, in line with a proposal from his child protection panel. It is believed
We tend to think of the works of mercy in relation to a specific initiative eg hospitals for the sick, a meals program for the hungry, shelters for the homeless, schools for those to
We give thanks for the life and witness of Mother Teresa who gave her life in service of the poorest of the poor. May we be inspired by her example
As Brigidines we have been called to commit “to the purchase of Fair Trade and other products which promote social and environmental well-being.” (2016 Congregational Forum). The following recent report
Pope Francis has announced that 1st September each year will be a day of Prayer for the Protection of Creation… World Day of Prayer for the Protection of Creation
Brigidine Sisters around the world support peace and development as part of Solidarity with South Sudan. The following link provides an opportunity to update your knowledge and prayer commitment to the needs
Pope Francis recently visited a refugee centre in Rome housing women rescued from prostitution as part of his ‘Friday of Mercy’ gestures during this Jubilee Year of Mercy. The home
Check out the attached newsletter for an update on all the latest activities of ACRATH members around Australia. ACRATH Newsletter July 2016
Pope Francis said, ” Any genuine attempt by groups within society to introduce change is viewed as a nuisance based on romantic illusions or an obstacle to be circumvented.” It
Our prayerful support is with all the delegates attending the inaugural Kildare Ministries conference being held on 12 – 13 August. The theme of the conference is Gathering Together :
Saint Mary of the Cross (1842 – 1909) was a great Australian woman dedicated to sharing God’s love with the people of her time. Today she and the Sisters of
ACRATH recently submitted their fourth progress report to the Australian Attorney-General’s Department detailing their work over the last 6 months. Highlights of this reporting period include the following: The
Prayer for Fr Jacques Hamel, priest in the parish of Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, Archdiocese of Rouen, France. Give him everlasting rest O Lord, And let perpetual light shine
Brigidine Sisters, together with our associates, colleagues and partners in ministry stand in solidarity with all whose lives have been torn apart by the most recent acts of violence in
The Brigidine Congregational Leadership Team share a prayer celebrating the life of our Founder.
Congratulations to Jean Quinn DW who recently was appointed the third Executive Director of UNANIMA International. Jean is well prepared for the task, after many years of administration and most
Brigidines around the world give thanks for the encyclical Laudato Si which was published one year ago, June 2015. In it Pope Francis challenges us to daily hear the cry
CONGRATULATIONS The Congregational Leadership Team has announced that Theresa Kilmurray csb has been appointed as the fourth member of their team. As Sisters Catherine O’Connor (Leader), Anne Boyd, Margaret
Congratulations to members of the incoming Congregational Leadership Team who were elected at the recent Congregational Forum in Tullow, Ireland. Congregational Leader is Cathy O’Connor. Anne Boyd and Margaret Fyfe are
Bishop Denis Nulty celebrated Mass for the opening of the Brigidine Chapter on Monday 16 May 2016 in the Church of the Holy Rosary, Tullow. Bishop Nulty’s homily before
From 15th -31st May delegates from Brigidine Communities around the world will be gathered in Tullow, Ireland for the 23rd Congregational Forum. The theme of our Forum is: This
Our thoughts and prayers are with our Congregational Leader, Louise Cleary as she attends the meeting of the International Union of Superiors General (UISG), 9 – 13 May 2016, in
Australian Catholic Religious Against Trafficking in Humans (ACRATH) have released their latest newsletter. Please follow the link: ACRATH Newsletter April 2016
This day marks the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization in 1948. The main goals of the World Health Day 2016 campaign are the increase awareness about
In these days of Easter we join Earth and all beings in giving thanks for the gifts of new life born out of the risk of letting go and entering
Since its commencement in 2001, the Victorian Honour Roll of Women has acknowledged and celebrated the outstanding achievements of 562 Victorian women. Inductees have contributed to lasting change in Victoria,
Brigidines join women and girls around the world to mark 2016 International Women’s Day. This year’s theme is “Pledge for Parity”. Worldwide women continue to contribute uniquely to social, religious,
Do buy Fairtrade Easter Eggs. It matters. Children are trafficked to harvest the cocoa beans to make our chocolate. Download the Good Egg Guide for 2016
The Congregational Leadership Team commissioned artist Doris Klein, CSA from USA to paint this image of Brigid of Kildare. Accompanying the painting from Doris was the following: “This image reflects
End Slavery in your Community, Parish, Workplace. Make Your Easter Chocolate Slavery Free! All Brigidines, our associates and colleagues are urged to buy and eat only slavery-free chocolate this Easter.
Please see the latest ACRATH Newsletter re campaigns and St Bakhita Day on 8 February, a day of Prayer and Reflection on Human Trafficking. Perhaps you can bring this important
Pope Francis has announced an Extraordinary Holy Year to start on 8 December 2015 and conclude on 20 November 2016. This Holy Year will be dedicated to a theme close
The Brigidine Sisters support the establishment of guidelines for Church authorities in responding to civil claims for child sexual abuse. These guidelines have been initiated by the Truth Justice Healing
INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ELIMINATION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. From 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, to 10 December, Human Rights
Marches will be taking place across Australia from the 27th – 29th of November in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Darwin and Hobart. By marching together we
Maree Marsh csb with Jen Burns at the awards ceremony. CONGRATULATIONS! Maree was a recepient of the award in recognition of her work with the clients of Anti-Slavery Australia. Since
If you are a website member and have misplaced or forgotten you password, follow the below instructions to get a new password. Go to the login page and
2015 Theme: The Power of the Adolescent Girl: Vision for 2030 The United Nations’ International Day of the Child promotes girls’ human rights, highlights
As women and educators the Brigidine Sisters support the International Day of the Girl Child on 11 October, which highlights the continuing disenfranchisement of girls in many parts of the world.
Eleven ACRATH advocates were in Canberra for advocacy from 6 – 11 September 2015. For the full newsletter
Eleven ACRATH advocates were in Canberra for advocacy from 6 – 11 September 2015.
This year we are urged to read and reflect on the Australian Catholic Bishops Statement entitled – “For Those Who’ve Come Across The Seas.”. At this time, let us re-examine
The theme of the Australian Catholic Bishops Statement for Social Justice Sunday for this year is – “For Those Who’ve Come Across The Seas.”
From Pope Francis: “Fresh drinking water is an issue of primary importance, since it is indispensable for human life and for supporting terrestrial and aquatic systems. Water poverty especially affects
The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in the vocation
Pope Francis has decided to set up a “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” which will be celebrated on September 1st annually.
Brigidine Sisters are supporting Water With Blessings project. They believe that access to fresh water is a basic human right.
Around the world, criminals are selling people for profit. Vulnerable women and girls form the majority of human trafficking victims, including those driven into degrading sexual exploitation. Ban Ki-moon
Pope Francis and the Environment – Why His New Climate Encyclical Matters
The United Nations’ (UN) World Refugee Day is observed on June 20 each year. Today we honour the courage, strength and determination of women, men and children who are forced to flee their homeland under threat of persecution, conflict and violence.
The 2015 theme for World Environment Day is Sustainable consumption and production. The slogan for the theme is “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.”
ACRATH, Anti-Slavery Australia and Salvos Freedom Partnership to End Modern Slavery welcome the announcement on 27 May of changes to supports for victims of human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices in Australia.
Earth Day – 22 April 2015 – marks the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day. We celebrate Earth Day but also mourn the lack of respect shown for the earth. Let us take action for Earth justice.
Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project supports the Walk for Justice for Refugees march to be held on Palm Sunday 29 March 2015, gathering at the State Library Melbourne at 2pm.
All around the world, International Women’s Day represents an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women while calling for greater equality.
In West Africa it is estimated that there are 500,000-1,500,000 children working in the cocoa sector who may have been trafficked and who are working in exploitative conditions.
In the lead up to Easter 2015, support cocoa farmers and help stamp out child trafficking in the cocoa industry by buying and consuming certified Easter eggs.
Children are trafficked into slavery in cocoa bean farming. Stop this exploitation by supporting the Slavery-free Easter chocolate campaign.
On the feast of St Brigd the Brigidine Community invite you to celebrate Brigid of Kildare, our Patroness – woman of peace in these troubled times.
Brigidine Sisters, their associates and partners in ministry, welcome Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Statement – “No longer Slaves But Brothers and Sisters”
Australian Catholic Bishops have called on the community to focus on the message of Jesus Christ and his relationship with women, always one of dignity and respect, when remembering the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.
“The United Nations is needed more than ever at this time of multiple crises….”
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
Saturday, 11 October 2014 was UN INTERNATIONAL DAY OF THE GIRL CHILD
21 September is observed around the world as the International Day of Peace – a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among nations and peoples.
The Refugee Advocacy Network (RAN) is a group of deeply concerned people taking an unprecedented step in releasing a video of children behind bars to show the shocking effects of Australia’s harsh detention policies.
The opening of the Anita Murray Centre at Brigidine College, St Ives in New South Wales was held on the 22nd July 2014. Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir performed the opening which was attended by many Brigidines and pupils past and present.
On 17 December 1999 the United Nations General Assembly endorsed the recommendation made by the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth that 12 August be declared International Youth Day.
It is interesting to note the French translation of the commemoration day…”Day of Dignity for Victims of Human Trafficking,” which puts the emphasis where it belongs…on the victims. Michele Morek UNANIMA
On 30 July 2014 the United Nations will mark the first ever World Day
against Trafficking in Persons. The day is aimed at raising awareness
around this global issue.
Human trafficking has no place in the modern world, the President of the General Assembly declared at a special event at United Nations Headquarters ahead of the observance of the first ever World Day against Trafficking in Persons.
Members of the Brigidine and Patrician communities gathered to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Daniel Delany’s death.
On the 8th and 9th July commemorative services were held in Ireland at Paddock, Mountrath, and Tullow, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Bishop Daniel Delany (1747 – 1814).
The third of the trilogy – Tullow.
A Blessing Prayer sent from the Ireland / United Kingdom Brigidine community to celebrate the 200th Anniversary of Daniel Delany Day.
On the 8th and 9th July commemorative services were held in Ireland at Paddock, Mountrath, and Tullow, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the death of Bishop Daniel Delany (1747 – 1814).
The Brigidine Sisters and Patrician Brothers are preparing to celebrate the Bicentenary of the death of their Founder, Bishop Daniel Delany on 9 July 2014.
Brigidine Sisters joined Catholic Religious Australia in participating in the National Lament and Prophetic Witness during the Week of Prayer from Ascension Sunday June 1 to Pentecost Sunday June 8.
Every 5th of June is a day used by the United Nations to stimulate worldwide awareness of environmental issues and encourages political action.
24 April marks the one-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in the Bangladesh capital, Dhaka which killed at least 1,138 and injured an estimated 2,500 people.
Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project supports the Walk for Justice for Refugees march to be held on Palm Sunday 13 April 2014, gathering at the State Library Melbourne at 2pm.
The two keynote speakers at the ACRATH AGM shared their sense of urgency as they described the thousands of young women and girls being trafficked across our region.
With all in Catholic Religious Australia…
We lament the lack of compassion for people seeking asylum in Australia
We lament the denial of human dignity and freedom
We lament the indifference
We lament our inability to turn the tide
End SLAVERY in your school and community. Support slavery free chocolate.
St. Josephine Bakhita was kidnapped as a child and sold into slavery in Sudan and Italy. Once Josephine was freed, she dedicated her life to sharing her testament of deliverance from slavery and comforting the poor and suffering.
ACRATH acknowledged the bipartisan support for policy work on human trafficking. We believe effective legislation has grown out of the genuine collaboration between government and civil society.
The United Nations General Assembly has designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
On the weekend of 26 & 27 October, Marian College Ararat celebrated 125 year of Brigidine education.
Traffick-Free Toblerone – When will it happen?
On December 19, 2011, the United Nations General Assembly declared 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child
St. Brigid of Kildare Gathering Festival in Honour of St. Brigid was held between 15th to 21st of September 2013, Kildare Town, Ireland.
Brigidine Sisters cannot support the current policies on the inhumane treatment of asylum seekers. We join with other Catholic organisations in speaking out and endorsing Asylum Seeker Advocacy Campaign of the Refugee Council.
An educational resource has been prepared by the ACRATH Education Committee to assist secondary school teachers in raising their students’ consciousness and educating them about the issues of human trafficking.
UNANIMA International submits its priorities to the SDSN group developing a recommendation on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the UN Secretary General.
Members of the Brigidine Congregational Leadership Team recently visited
the building site of the new Solas Bhride Spirituality Centre in Kildare.
Coonamble celebrates the presentation of “Providence Provides”.
People will be welcomed from around the world who have an affinity with St. Brigid through parishes, associations, churches and place names, to visitors from Ireland and overseas with an interest in Brigid and her legacy.
The Hampton Asylum-Seeker Working Group presents Jessie Taylor, documentary maker and speaker at
St Mary’s Church, Hampton on Thursday 13 June 2013.
A successful book launch was held on May 1st 2013 in Synan Hall at Brigidine College, Randwick NSW
The topic of the Commission on the Status of Women this year was on Violence Against Women and Girls. Who could disagree with ending that?
The official launch celebrating the history of the NSW Community will take place at Synan Hall, Brigidine College Randwick on 1 May 2013, 7.30pm. The guest of honour for the evening is the Governor of NSW, Her Excellency Professor Marie Bashir AC CVO.
Reminders from the Commission on the Status of Women.
There was a cry for the end of all forms of violence against women and girls:
– there are still governments that refuse to acknowledge gross violations of women’s rights.
How do we rise from deadening forces and make a conscious decision to
be light-bearers who believe in the Risen Jesus?
The 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York from 4 – 15 March.
It is a sad fact that across our world the one place where a woman often does not feel safe is in her own home.
Visit the Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project website
Australian Catholic religious reach out to women at risk of slavery
The 57th session of the Commission on the Status of Women took place at the United Nations headquarters in New York from 4 – 15 March. The priority theme for this event was – The Elimination and Prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls.
Annual national conference of ACRATH hears case studies of young Australian women forced into marriage in their parents’ home countries.
The ACRATH National Committee met on 7th and 8th November in Melbourne.
In our Advocacy week in Canberra, ACRATH acknowledged the current work of the Australian Government,
This year Refugee Sunday ( 26 August) comes at an opportune time. As a nation, we are making decisions about asylum seekers and refugees that are the biggest we have made in the past decade.
There is no doubt that the 15 women who gathered in Canberra were vocal on the “things that matter” in relation to addressing trafficking in humans
A group of women religious from around Australia will make their sixth annual pilgrimage to Canberra
next week in a bid to influence policies affecting people trafficked into Australia.
The Brigidine Sisters in preparation for the launch of Kildare Ministries invite participants to a seminar by Dr Richard R Gaillardetz on Vatican 11
The Brigidine Sisters are pleased to announce the approval of a new Public Juridic Person Kildare Ministries by the Vatican, that will eventually take responsibility for the educational services and community works sponsored by the Brigidine Sisters.
On 13 April the Dalai lama visited Kildare town where he was presented with a St Brigid’s Cross and a St Brigid’s Flame – the symbols of Kildare’s spiritual heritage and of justice and peace.
Since the dawn of 2011 just weeks ago, our world seems to have been tested by endless experiences of hardship and upheaval….
A joyful, beautiful place is how the Sisters and residents of Brigidine House, a residential aged care
community in Sydney’s east, describe their home.
Five hundred people joined a protest to end mandatory detention in Melbourne on Sunday 7th November and marched through the city streets demanding justice for refugees.
Unlike fiction spun into fact, Fogarty’s farm is the real woodland deal. Matt Fogarty’s tree farm has become one
of the finest examples of what woodland owners can create to redress the damage that deforestation has caused.
During May I had the privilege of attending the leaders’ assembly of women’s religious orders, held in Rome every three years. The UISG (International Union of Superiors General) represents some 600,000 women religious.
There is an abundance of research which shows that displaced persons are among the most vulnerable in the community when it comes to resorting to alcohol and other drugs to dull the pain and misunderstandings.
People who come to stay at Ryder Cheshire Homes in Ivanhoe are temporarily separated from
their homes in the country or other parts of Australia and New Zealand, some for lengthy periods
of time.
We congratulate and thank Bernice Bugler CSB and Margaret MaryWilkinson LCM for their commitment to adults with intellectual disabilities in the work of Irabina, the association they established.
Julie Thomas (Victorian Province) and Australian Leukodystrophy Support (ALDS)
The key focus of UNANIMA International meeting in March 2010 is the upcoming water campaign and future plans. UI will take the issue of Water for its campaign as part of its Environment and Care of the Planet theme.
According to Sister Sandra M. Schneiders, Immaculate Heart of Mary sister, professor of New Testament Studies and Christian Spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology, women religious congregations have given birth to a new form of religious life.
A DERRY businessman, and a charity worker who had been shot in the face and permanently blinded by a British soldier when aged ten, were the speakers at the AFRI conference at this year’s Feile Bhride.